Müller vs SPAR plus使用状況と統計
Collect, shop, save, and win!
The Müller App offers many benefits, such as a digital customer card, coupons, sweepstakes, and more. Take advantage of these benefits!
Here is how it works:
1. Download the free Müller App.
2. Register for the Müller customer card using your email address and password.
3. To take advantage of the many benefits of the app, you need to provide some personal information. Then, you decide which information you want to provide and can choose to activate our notifications.
The benefits and features of the Müller App:
Digital customer card
We reward your loyalty! You collect Müller Blossoms on your customer card by making purchases and referrals. You can redeem these for future purchases and save money. In addition, receive a welcome bonus for your first purchase by simply scanning the app at the cash register.
The app is always at your fingertips and is a digital customer card on your mobile device. Check the balance of Blossoms on your customer card at any time and get an overview of your past purchases in your “Blossom account”.
Coupons & Sweepstakes
In the app, you can see an overview of current coupons from our drugstore and other departments.
Activate the coupons, scan your customer card at the cash register, and save money.
Additionally, you benefit from exclusive sweepstakes.
Other features
Store finder: In our store finder, you can find your nearest Müller store, opening hours, and other information about Müller stores.
Brochures & Magazines: In the brochure overview, you can find and browse the current Müller brochures and our regular drugstore offers. You can also find our customer magazines and get inspired!
Digital receipt: After your purchase, you receive your receipt in the app. This ensures sustainability and is also practical since you won’t lose it.
Automatic Wi-Fi login:
You have the option to agree to use the customer Wi-Fi conveniently from home.
Once you agree, your device will automatically connect to the Müller free Wi-Fi network every time you visit our shops.
Cross-border use: Use the Müller App in several countries – Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, Croatia and Hungary. You now have the option to change the country in the app. After changing the country, the app content will be available in the corresponding local language.
Your opinion matters! We appreciate your feedback so we can improve our Müller App.
Use the contact form within the app or write to our app customer service.
Germany: service@app.de.mueller.eu
Austria: service@app.at.mueller.eu
Switzerland: service@app.ch.mueller.eu
Slovenia: aplikacija@app.si.mueller.eu
Spain: service@app.es.mueller.eu
Croatia: aplikacija@app.hr.mueller.eu
Hungary: kapcsolat@app.hu.mueller.eu
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
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SPAR PLUS APLIKACIJA - Vse ugodnosti vedno pri roki!
Mobilna aplikacija SPAR plus je brezplačna in nepogrešljiva za vse, ki živite hitro in želite biti v vsakem trenutku dobro informirani.
S pomočjo SPAR plus aplikacije vam bodo vedno pri roki:
Vsi kuponi ugodnosti, zbrani na enem mestu, prav tako pa v aplikaciji najdete tudi ekskluzivne kupone ugodnosti samo za uporabnike aplikacije.
Ustvarite nakupovalne listke, nastavite opomnike in jih dajte v skupno uporabo najbližjim.
Dostopajte do vseh ugodnosti klasične kartice z eno potezo. E-kartico si namestite kar med »prikazna obvestila« (widgets).
Vključite potisna obvestila in sporočila o novih ugodnostih vam bomo pošiljali kar na vaš pametni telefon.
Nastavite opomnike in nikoli ne pozabite unovčiti kupona ugodnosti, izkoristiti popusta na promocijo iz letaka ali nakupiti stvari z nakupovalnega listka.
S pomočjo iskalnika trgovin in restavracij lahko hitro in enostavno poiščete informacije o odpiralnih časih, lokacijah in kontaktne podatke vseh naših poslovalnic. Aplikacija vam omogoča tudi navigacijo do želene poslovalnice.
S pomočjo aplikacije lahko enostavno pregledate aktualne letake in posamezne promocije dodajate na vaš nakupovalni listek.
V mobilni aplikaciji boste našli novice o naših promocijah, koristne nasvete, recepte in druge zabavne vsebine.
Vas zanima, koliko ste prihranili s SPAR plus kartico? V svojem profilu imate zabeležene podatke o skupaj pridobljenem popustu in dobroimetju v celotnem letu.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
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3月 12, 2025