MapCache by NGA vs Map Discovery使用状況と統計

MapCache enables you to create, view, and share GeoPackages on your iOS device. GeoPackage is an encoding standard that describes a set of conventions for SQLite databases for storing geospatial data. With MapCache you can save map tiles and share GeoPackages with other apps to be used for your disconnected mapping needs.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ユーティリティ


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Users are able to load GIS mapping data: mbtiles, gpkg, Shapefiles (zipped), KML, GPX, CSV, GeoJSON As well as connect to basemaps, OGC WMS, XYZ Tile servers (with support for more services coming soon) Open Street Map Vector tiles with different stylesheets basemap and many raster tile basemaps are available from multiple providers. The app has a data catalog JSON format feature that allows for configuring online mapping services (ESRI MapServer, ESRI ImageServer, ESRI FeatureServer, OGC WMS, OGC WMTS Tiles,XYZ/TMS Tiles,OGC WFS) The app supports data creation and editing digitizing/drawing vector features. Can create new geojson data with any properties you want defined and view attribute/grid and perform searching OGC WFS-T Transactional data creation and Editing is available for users that have GeoServer, QGIS Server, MapServer and others. Analysis tools like measure distance and area, map swipe, getting elevation, viewing attribute tables Search open street map places and geographies via OSM Nominatim Search. It also does address geocoding. The app is very customizable to your needs the units of measure can be changes as well as Display of Map Coordinates ( Latitude and Longitude, MGRS, GARS) and Scale bar The app is also able to connect to our other app Tile Server for iOS and access data being served by that app.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ユーティリティ


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MapCache by NGA対Map Discoveryランキング比較

と過去28日間の MapCache by NGA ランキング傾向を比較 Map Discovery



MapCache by NGA 対 Map Discovery 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の MapCache by NGA ランキング傾向を比較 Map Discovery



MapCache by NGA VS.
Map Discovery

12月 15, 2024