Korzinka vs Avtoelon.uz — авто объявления使用状況と統計

Salom! Our Korzinka is the largest supermarket chain in Uzbekistan. Download and install Korzinka mobile app on your smartphone to enjoy all the benefits of a comfortable purchasing experience with our loyalty program just a click away. +5000 bonuses for all new users Register a new virtual loyalty card in the Korzinka mobile app and get 5000 salom-bonuses to your account! Bonuses are awarded automatically, immediately after the completion of full registration - start saving or spend them on cool purchases in Korzinka immediately. • Pay for purchases via a single QR code without physical cards Add any UZCARD or HUMO bank card, link Korzinka loyalty card or register a new one. So you can pay for goods, accrue and write off bonuses via a single QR code, even without having physical cards with you. When paying for a purchase with a loyalty card, a one-time write-off of up to 500 000 bonuses is available. • 100% security of your account The dynamic QR code is updated every 30 seconds so that only you can pay for purchases and spend bonuses from the mobile app. Even with a one-time access to your QR code, third parties will not be able to use bank cards and loyalty cards linked to the account. • Automatic cashback from the Tax Committee When paying for purchases using a bank card from a mobile app, information on all receipts is automatically transmitted to the Tax Committee — you do not have to fill out applications for cashback accrual manually. • Transparent purchase history with detailed receipts At any time, you can view the statistics of your expenses and download virtual receipts for specific purchases in PDF format. Printing paper receipts can be turned off in the settings — this way you will save time at the checkout and make your contribution to protecting the environment. • Evaluation of the purchase after visiting Korzinka Your feedback makes us better! Don't forget to rate your in-app purchase — tell us honestly what you liked and what we can improve in our work. All ratings are taken into account in the internal rating of stores, and the wishes of customers are brought to life by the Korzinka care service. • All discounts and promotions in one online catalogue In the mobile app, you can find all the current discounts and promotions at any time, check the prices of the goods you are interested in and find out what is more profitable to buy in Korzinka supermarkets today. • Map of supermarkets with easy navigation We will help you find the nearest Korzinka, no matter where you are: we will select the addresses of supermarkets near you, show you the opening hours and suggest the shortest route. ...And that is not all! You can check the balance of vouchers and gift cards, the possibility of buying in installments without commission, the quick payment widget and many other useful features — in one cool Korzinka. Try it yourself!
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ショッピング


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Avtoelon.uz - avtomobil mavzusiga doir e‘lonlarning mobil ilovasi doimo qo‘l ostingizda! Avtoelon.uz - O‘zbekistondagi avtomobillarga doir e‘lonlarning har kuni yangilanib turadigan bazasidir: yengil va yuk avtomobillari, yangi va yurilgan avtomobillar, motosikllar va maxsus texnika. Shuningdek: ehtiyot qismlar, tyuning, ta‘mirlash ishlari, avtomobillarni yuvish va boshqa xizmatlar - barchasi bir ilovaga jamlangan. Avtomobil xarid qilish hech qanday qiyinchilik tug‘dirmaydi! Shunchaki qidiruv shartlarini kiritsangiz kifoya: — hudud (nafaqat O‘zbekiston, shuningdek chet davlatlarni ham ko‘rsatish mumkin); — shahar (masalan, Toshkent); — avtomobil rusumi (masalan, "BMW", "Mercedes" yoki "Lada"); — (masalan, "BMW", "Mercedes" yoki "Lada"); — narx diapazoni. Shuningdek, mashina kuzovi turi, ishlab chiqarilgan sanasi va holati, dvigatel hajmi, yoqilg‘i va uzatmalar qutisi turi va boshqa xususiyatlari. Kelishilgan holda sotib olish yoki bo‘lib-bo‘lib to‘lashga doir e‘lonlar alohida belgilangan. Mashinangizni sotmoqchimisiz? Pul to‘lamasdan va ro‘yxatdan o‘tmasdan e‘lon berishingiz mumkin. "Retush" qulay rejimi fotosuratdagi avtomobil raqamini bir harakat bilan ustidan bo‘yash imkonini beradi. Shaxsiy kabinetda shuningdek , e‘loningizning yanada ko‘proq e‘tibor tortishini ta‘minlovchi qo‘shimcha xizmatlar ham mavjud: uni qidiruvda yuqoriga ko‘tarishingiz, "Qaynoq takliflar" ga joylashtirishingiz, rang bilan ajratishingiz yoki zudlik bilan sotilishini ko‘rsatishingiz mumkin. Mashinangiz ta‘mirtalabmi? Yoki g‘ildiraklarni almashtirish payti keldimi? Buning uchun bizning ilovamizda "Xizmatlar" va "Ehtiyot qismlar" bo‘limlari mavjud, bu yerda siz avtoustaxona, shinalar montaji, avtomobilni yuvish joylarini tanlashingiz, shuningdek, temir do‘stingiz uchun kerakli bo‘lgan barcha ehtiyot qismlar - yangi shinalardan tortib, rul chambaragigacha, hamda aksessuarlarni topishingiz mumkin. Avtoelon.uz - avtomobil sohiblari yordamchisi!
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ショッピング


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Korzinka対Avtoelon.uz — авто объявленияランキング比較

と過去28日間の Korzinka ランキング傾向を比較 Avtoelon.uz — авто объявления



Korzinka 対 Avtoelon.uz — авто объявления 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の Korzinka ランキング傾向を比較 Avtoelon.uz — авто объявления

業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー


Korzinka VS.
Avtoelon.uz — авто объявления

3月 16, 2025