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- Bonaventura Cavalieri
- Bonaventura Cavalieri Vs. Electrolab Y
Bonaventura Cavalieri vs Electrolab Y使用状況と統計
Bonaventura Cavalieri was born in Milan, Italy. In 1598, when Cavalieri was born, Italy was known as the Papal States. At the time that Cavalieri was born Galileo was 34 years old. Later in Cavalieri's life he would be introduced to Galileo. Galileo encouraged Cavalieri's work on his new methods and many of the ideas were insightful.
There are four possible ways for a plane to intersect a cone. Each of these ways produce a conic section. Bonaventura Cavalieri studied the mathematics of the curves that are produced by conic sections. Cavalieri explained in his writings the mathematics related to conic sections and how these mathematical formulas can be applied to the science of optics.
Use this beautifully illustrated interactive learning system to study the life and accomplishments of Bonaventura Cavalieri. Today Cavalieri is recognized as a mathematician who made significant breakthroughs and contributed to the later development of the calculus.
Cavalieri's most important work, Geometria, discusses a point as having no dimensions, a line as being made up of a infinite series of points, a plane an infinite number of lines and a solid as an infinite number of planes.
Using this app students learn about his amazing life. It includes introductory information about mathematics. We hope that this app will inspire students to pursue careers in math. Students will enjoy using this graphically illustrated, interactive learning tool. The timeline feature presents key events in the life of Cavalieri. Tapping on timeline points will bring up descriptions of historically significant events in the history of mathematics and the role that Cavalieri played. A quiz function helps students demonstrate their comprehension of the reading material. Key concepts of both math and science are shown in colorful illustrations. We hope this app will inspire students to study math. The app shows that Bonaventura Cavalieri certainly deserves the place he has earned in the history of mathematics.
- Apple App ストア
- 有料
- 教育
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Electrolab Y is:
An educational video game of Science.
A game of physics.
It is aimed at children of middle and high school (from 9 to 12 years).
Available to be played in: Spanish and English.
Pedagogical content
+ This video game explores the issue of electricity, specifically the behavior of positive and negative electric charges.
+ Concepts: electric charges, attraction, repulsion, laws of signs in electricity.
+ If you want to know more about the pedagogical content of video games visit our website: LabTak (www.labtak.mx).
Inoma is a Mexican non-governmental organization that supports education through TAK-TAK-TAK free educational video games. All of them are aligned with the basic education curricula of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico. These video games are also available to play in www.taktaktak.com using the same user and password as in the app.
Electrolab Y was funded with the support of CONACYT, and was developed by Cromasoft, Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 教育
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Bonaventura Cavalieri対Electrolab Yランキング比較
と過去28日間の Bonaventura Cavalieri ランキング傾向を比較 Electrolab Y
Bonaventura Cavalieri 対 Electrolab Y 国の比較によるランキング
と過去28日間の Bonaventura Cavalieri ランキング傾向を比較 Electrolab Y
12月 19, 2024