Xlung Assist Ped vs UTISoft Usage & Stats
Xlung Assist Ped is the first app specifically designed for Mechanical Ventilation in Pediatrics.
It stands out mainly for offering suggestions of initial parameters of the adjustments of the ventilator, besides making available calculators of respiratory mechanics, oxygenation monitoring, ideal weight and many others.
It also offers important tips on Pediatric MV.
Xlung is a company specialized in the development of software in the area of Mechanical Ventilation.
This application was developed with the support of medical experts and with extensive experience in the area: Dr. Ricardo Viana Falcão, pediatric intensivist and coordinator of the pediatric intensive care residency of Dr. Waldemar Alcantara General Hospital (HGWA) and Dr. Marcelo Alcantara Holanda, professor in intensive care and pulmonology at the Federal University of Ceará.
This application was especially developed for mechanical ventilation in pediatrics, but does NOT include ventilatory support in neonatology.
- Apple App ストア
- 有料
- 教育
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Explore uma experiência de estudo inovadora com a UTISoft, a plataforma projetada especialmente para médicos que buscam se aprimorar em terapia intensiva.
Desenvolvemos uma interface intuitiva com dois formatos de estudo, questões comentadas e flashcards. personalize seu aprendizado para entender o conteúdo.
O app oferece desafios diários, simulados direcionados e um banco abrangente de questões para estudo.
A seção de flashcards proporciona uma revisão eficaz, permitindo reiniciar estudos e monitorar estatísticas detalhadas.
Baixe a UTISoft agora e intensifique sua jornada de aprendizado na terapia intensiva.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- 教育
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Xlung Assist Ped対UTISoftランキング比較
と過去28日間の Xlung Assist Ped ランキング傾向を比較 UTISoft
Xlung Assist Ped#116
Xlung Assist Ped vs. UTISoft ranking by country comparison
と過去28日間の Xlung Assist Ped ランキング傾向を比較 UTISoft
業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー
Xlung Assist Ped VS.
11月 26, 2024