Molecules AR vs Circuit-Design Pro使用状況と統計
Imagine bringing the excitement of Augmented Reality right into your science classroom. Explore virtual 3D atoms and molecules with Molecules AR.
Molecules AR is a tool for viewing and learning about atoms and molecules using Augmented Reality technology (AR). With Molecules AR kids can view atoms and molecules by actually walking around a 3D image showing the atomic structure and molecular configuration. Augmented Reality lets the students view all sides of the molecular structure.
Students use the slider or arrow buttons to move through a list of atoms and molecules. As 3D models are selected they instantly appear in the AR view and can be viewed by moving around the virtual object.
Screens of information about the chemical are displayed when the notebook icon is tapped. If the sound has been activated by tapping the speaker icon, the text shown in the notebook will be read aloud.
Molecules AR is perfect for science classrooms where basic chemical structures, valence bonds and other related topics are being introduced. Augmented Reality adds a level of interest and excitement that will stimulate young minds to further exploration.
Be sure that your iPad allows access to the camera function by choosing Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> Off.
Atoms and Molecules Included:
hydrogen atom (H)
carbon atom (C)
nitrogen atom (N)
oxygen atom (O)
oxygen molecule (O2 )
nitrogen molecule (N2)
water molecule (H2O)
carbon dioxide molecule (CO2)
ammonia molecule (NH3)
methane (CH4)
ethane (N2H6)
acetylene molecule (C2H2)
hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
ethylene molecule (C2H4)
formaldehyde molecule (CH2O)
nitroxyl molecule (HNO)
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The CircuitDesign is a feature rich app designed by an engineer.
This app allows the creative smart people like you to design, draw, analyse, simplify and solve electrical circuits.
You can design, draw, solve and simplify resistor-network, solve capacitor-network, solve inductor-circuit.
You can design, draw, solve and simplify parallell circuit diagrams, series circuit diagrams, delta/wye circuit diagrams and any combinations of these.
You can convert delta to wye and wye - delta network
You can convert current source to voltage source or voltage source to current source
You can design your own resistor (3,4,5 or 6 band resistor) or find the value for existing resistor
You can even share your creativity with other people. Save the diagram locally.
Do you have a complex network involving any combinations of parallell network, series network, delta/wye network?
Fantastic. You can simplify this network and see how its done step by step so you can learn how to simplify networks.
You can go back all the way to original network to see how the simplification was done. Simply stated, view simplification steps graphically.
Keeps the historical diagram so that you can go back and verify each step.
You can also share the simplification steps or save it locally.
It automatically saves your hard work locally on your device so you can come back and pick up from where you left off as your great effort of drawing diagrams and simplifying/solving it will not be lost.
Are you a high school student learning electricity? This is the app for you.
Are you a university student learning electrical engineering? This is the app for you.
There is also a page to help you study. This study tab teaches you some very important laws of electricity and important formula.
Like Ohm, law, Kirchhoff's volgate law, Kirchhoff's current law,
There is also a page to help you learn now to use this app.
This is a perfect app for a creative smart individual like you.
This is an app for all student groups. From high school to college to university students.
Be creative. Enjoy the app!
- Apple App ストア
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- 教育
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Molecules AR対Circuit-Design Proランキング比較
と過去28日間の Molecules AR ランキング傾向を比較 Circuit-Design Pro
Molecules AR 対 Circuit-Design Pro 国の比較によるランキング
と過去28日間の Molecules AR ランキング傾向を比較 Circuit-Design Pro
12月 15, 2024