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チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ vs 2023年占い-銀座の母の当たる占いで今日の運勢を診断使用状況と統計

【Stellaとは?】 占いアプリStella(ステラ)では、メールアドレスや電話番号等の個人情報登録なしで占い師・カウンセラーにお悩みを相談できます。 相談方法はチャットをメインとして活用し、さらに音声電話での相談も可能となっています。 お好みの方法で占ってもらうことができますよ。 【無料で楽しめることがいっぱい】 Stellaアプリのインストール、会員登録は無料です。また、占い師さんのプロフィールも無料で見ることができます。さらにタイムライン閲覧や24時間365日無料でお楽しみ頂けます。 気になる占い師のオンラインを見逃さない「オンライン通知機能」も利用できます。この機能を使うと、プッシュ通知で「オンライン」のお知らせが届きます。 登録後、無料ポイントを取得していただくことができますし、ログインするだけでもらえるログインボーナスポイントも毎日プレゼント中です。 ※一部有料コンテンツがあります。 【チャット占いが人気のヒミツ】 チャット占いでは1文字単位でのポイント消費となりますので、時間制限などは一切ありませんので、いつまでもお楽しみいただけます。占い師さんとのやり取りはいつで履歴から確認はできますので、途中でポイントがないときでも履歴からやり取りを閲覧できます。 【希望の相手を検索】 探したい占い師・カウンセラーさんを検索できる機能です。多数の検索項目を用意しておりますので好みにあった占い師・カウンセラーを見つけることができます。 【安心のサポート体制】 サポート経験豊富なスタッフが、24時間365日丁寧にStellaライフをサポートさせて頂きます。 【最低動作環境】 ・iOS8.0以上 【ご利用にあたって】 ・Stellaをご利用にあたって、Stella内に設置しております利用規約にご同意の上、ご利用頂く必要がございます。 ・公序良俗に反する書き込みは、発見次第投稿内容の削除および会員資格の停止措置等をとらせて頂く場合がございます。 <運営者情報> 運営社名:株式会社ステラ 所在地:大阪市北区梅田1-1-3 連絡先: 電話番号:06-7176-9405(平日14:00~18:00)
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • エンターテイメント


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The "Mother of Ginza", known for her scary accuracy, will thoroughly read your fortune in the fields of life, love, relation compatibility, wedding, marrying age, and make ups. The "bonus reading" that lets you get your fortune told as many times as you want as long as you wait, and the "fortune of the day" that cheers you up like a real mother are both very popular. [What kind of fortune do you tell? ] (Life) How will my life change from now on? (Marriage) Will I be able to marry in the next few years? (Unrequited love) What does the target of my painful one-sided affection really think? (Encounters) What kind of people will I meet? (Make ups) Can I make up with that person? And when? (Work) I cannot take this job anymore. Can I quit? Life has these and many more worries. Love troubles, life in general, problematic romances; the Mother of Ginza will listen to everything. She will support your daily life with a lot of fortune telling courses and full-fledged four pillar astrology. [Free readings if you wait! What are bonus readings? ] By using the "key" you get each day, you can enjoy each category of fortune telling. Just by waiting, you can enjoy a real fortune telling without having to spend coins. [About the Mother of Ginza] 50 years of experience in Ginza and on the streets. A legendary fortune teller who became known all over the country for her scary accuracy. Her accurate fortune readings of many popular entertainers and idols on programs such as "Kin-sma" and "Pittankokan-kan" on the TBS channel have become a familiar sight. Despite her slightly harsh presentation on TV, she is like a mother to all Japanese people, and would never disregard anyone's suffering. "Because I want to save everyone" Yoshie Yokota, now known as the "Mother of Ginza", has not had an easy life. On the contrary, she experienced a painful second marriage, in which she was left alone to raise a child after her husband, deep in debt, ran away. Nonetheless, she says that she is glad to have gone through all these hardships. She says that it is because of these hardships that she stumbled upon fortune telling, and that it is because she has known despair that she should be able to save as many people as possible. Why has she stood on the streets of Ginza, Japan's most glamorous place, listening to people's troubles? That is just because "I want to save everyone." Her fortune readings, backed by deep affection, are still healing Ginza's people, giving them the courage to face life. Next, it is your turn to be saved. First of all, let's download the free app. [The popular courses] - The mother of Ginza knows! Whether you can be together with the target of this painful love - I will say it all, the time and the person! Full force fortune reading "The marriage of your destiny" - When you cannot meet, does that person remember you? ...can I contact them now? - Should I keep this job? If you were to quit, how will your life and income change? - A partner candidate you were not taking into consideration...what is that person to you? - You will be rich from x day of x month! The Mother of Ginza knows about your success in life! - Surprisingly soon! "requited love, fast approaches, love declarations"...what does that person really think? The two of you ending up together * About using free coins, paid coins, and the fortune telling content - To use the fortune telling courses in this app, coins must be expended. - Coins can be acquired for free through login rewards, but can also be purchased. - Once having used coins to purchase a course, if you want a new reading with a different subject or with a different birthdate, you will need to purchase the course again. - To browse fortune telling content already purchased, go to "my page" and then "history". - When you uninstall the app, all purchased coins and content will be deleted, so please use the "transfer settings".Made minor adjustments.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • エンターテイメント


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チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ対2023年占い-銀座の母の当たる占いで今日の運勢を診断ランキング比較

と過去28日間の チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ ランキング傾向を比較 2023年占い-銀座の母の当たる占いで今日の運勢を診断



チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ 対 2023年占い-銀座の母の当たる占いで今日の運勢を診断 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ ランキング傾向を比較 2023年占い-銀座の母の当たる占いで今日の運勢を診断



チャット占い Stella 恋愛相談ができる占いアプリ VS.

3月 14, 2025