uAvionix Echo Installer vs AircraftPower使用状況と統計

Owners of the uAvionix Echo line of devices can use this free application to monitor, install, and configure their hardware. Supported device(s) include: echoUAT Vektor To configure your uAvionix skyBeacon, please download skyBeacon Installer from the App Store.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ユーティリティ


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AircraftPower is an Aircraft Engine Performance App. It uses a standard reciprocating engine performance model to calculate and display the sea level and altitude performance of 74 normally-aspirated Continental® engines and 107 normally-aspirated Lycoming® engines. A graphic display shows the engine performance chart and illustrates the manual construction method for determining altitude performance that we learned in ground school (and promptly forgot). As the user changes the input values, using the sliders or the custom keypad, for manifold pressure (or % power), rpm, pressure altitude and outside air temperature, the power output and percent power (or manifold pressure required) are displayed, and dotted lines and colored dots in the graphic display follow the manual construction method. While the graphics aren't really necessary, they are instructive (and interesting) to watch. The user may choose english or metric units for altitude, altimeter setting, temperature, manifold pressure and power output (however, the graphic always uses english units), and may select default values for the inputs and the engine. The user can also choose to input the indicated altitude instead of the pressure altitude (the default), and choose to input the % rated power instead of the manifold pressure. If using the indicated altitude, an input window for the altimeter setting appears.
  • Apple App ストア
  • 無料
  • ユーティリティ


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uAvionix Echo Installer対AircraftPowerランキング比較

と過去28日間の uAvionix Echo Installer ランキング傾向を比較 AircraftPower



uAvionix Echo Installer 対 AircraftPower 国の比較によるランキング

と過去28日間の uAvionix Echo Installer ランキング傾向を比較 AircraftPower



uAvionix Echo Installer VS.

12月 15, 2024