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- Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards
- Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards Vs. Homes by Paulette
Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards vs Homes by Paulette使用状況と統計
Take Smart Rewards discounts anywhere you go!
Redeem local coupons and online deals right from your phone. Simply present the coupon on your mobile phone to the retailer to instantly save on dining, shopping, traveling and more. Get your discounts on the spot without paying for deals in advance.
Store all your favorite merchants, and stay up to date on your current benefits.
Only members of Smart Rewards can use the app and access these deals. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please contact your financial institution to see if their consumer checking accounts provide Smart Rewards benefits. If not, recommend that they should!
Smart Rewards App Features:
No printing! Just present your mobile coupon to the retailer
Use most coupons as many times as you like
GPS - Find deals near you - at home or wherever you travel
Over 300,000 deals all over the country, with more added every day
Save, view and remove local merchants to Favorites list
View all your other current Smart Rewards benefits
Travel section for discounts on hotels, car rentals, entertainment and more
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Enjoy your stroll through my app for all your real estate needs. Find your dream home in Southern California with my Search for Homes feature. Please use this service as often as you desire as I pride myself in being available 24/7 on your mobile device.
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
- ライフスタイル
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Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards対Homes by Pauletteランキング比較
と過去28日間の Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards ランキング傾向を比較 Homes by Paulette
Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards 対 Homes by Paulette 国の比較によるランキング
と過去28日間の Kitsap Bank Smart Rewards ランキング傾向を比較 Homes by Paulette
1月 1, 2025