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- TechApp for Audi
- TechApp for Audi Vs. italobee
TechApp for Audi vs italobee Usage & Stats
The application contains technical information that will help you in the repair and maintenance of your car.
Data is divided into categories: general information, chassis, tightening torques of bolts and nuts, fuel system, brake system, lighting lamps, a replacement intervals and volumes of technical fluids.
Technical data of repair, adjustments, volumes of fluids, service intervals, etc. - comply with the recommendations of the automaker and can’t be the same with your personal opinion, so it’s only for informational purposes.
For work needed Internet access.
Consumption traffic is little. After first loading the information that interests you data is cached, allowing you to view after it offline.
Information is available for the following models:
50 (86)
80 Avant (8C, B4)
80 (81, 85, B2)
80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3)
80 (8C, B4)
90 (81, 85, B2)
90 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3)
100 (44, 44Q, C3)
100 Avant (4A, C4)
100 (4A, C4)
100 (44, 44Q, C3)
200 Avant (44, 44Q)
200 (44, 44Q)
A1 (8X1, 8XF)
A1 Sportback (8XA, 8XK)
A2 (8Z0)
A3 (8L1)
A3 (8P1)
A3 (8V1)
A3 Sedan (8VS)
A3 Sportback (8PA)
A3 Sportback (8VA)
A3 Cabrio (8P7)
A3 Cabrio (8V7)
A4 (8D2, B5)
A4 (8E2, B6)
A4 (8EC, B7)
A4 (8K2, B8)
A4 (8W2, B9)
A4 Avant (8D5, B5)
A4 Avant (8E5, B6)
A4 Avant (8ED, B7)
A4 Avant (8K5, B8)
A4 Avant (8W5, B9)
A4 Cabrio (8H7, B6, 8HE, B7)
A4 Allroad (8KH, B8)
A5 (8T3)
A5 Sportback (8TA)
A5 (8F7)
A6 (4G2, C7, 4GC)
A6 Allroad (4GH, 4GJ)
A6 Allroad (4FH, C6)
A6 Avant (4A, C4)
A6 Avant (4B5, C5)
A6 Avant (4F5, C6)
A6 Avant (4G5, C7, 4GD)
A6 (4A, C4)
A6 (4B2, C5)
A6 (4F2, C6)
A7 Sportback (4GA, 4GF)
A8 (4H_)
A8 (4D2, 4D8)
A8 (4E_)
COUPE (81, 85)
COUPE (89, 8B)
Q3 (8U)
Q5 (8R)
Q7 (4L)
Q7 (4M)
R8 Spyder
TT (8J3)
TT (8N3)
TT (FV3)
TT Roadster (8J9)
TT Roadster (8N9)
TT Roadster (FV9)
V8 (44_, 4C_)
- Apple App ストア
- 有料
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schnell und komfortabel - Ersatzteile, Zubehör und Tuningteile für deine italienische Biene (Ape)
- Apple App ストア
- 無料
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TechApp for Audi対italobeeランキング比較
と過去28日間の TechApp for Audi ランキング傾向を比較 italobee
TechApp for Audi#86
TechApp for Audi vs. italobee ranking by country comparison
と過去28日間の TechApp for Audi ランキング傾向を比較 italobee
業界別 ウェブサイトカテゴリー
TechApp for Audi VS.
11月 26, 2024