Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica delle Libri e riviste migliori app nel mese di Emirati Arabi Uniti su 23 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 23, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 23, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Rank di utilizzoApp ed editoreCategoriaRank di utilizzoModificaClassifica degli storeModifica
11Dailyhunt - News & MagazinesEterno InfotechLibri e riviste11
22Way2News Daily News AppWay2News ( Formerly Way2SMS )Libri e riviste21
33Magazine Lockscreen XOSTranssion HoldingsLibri e riviste3=
44Magazine Lockscreen HiOSTranssion HoldingsLibri e riviste4=
55Manorama Online: News & VideosMalayala Manorama Co. Ltd.Libri e riviste51
66Hindi News by Dainik BhaskarDainik Bhaskar GroupLibri e riviste61
77Khaleej Times: UAE, World NewsKhaleej TimesLibri e riviste71
88Inshorts - News in 60 wordsInshortsLibri e riviste81
99Magazine LockscreenTranssion HoldingsLibri e riviste92
1010Google News - Daily HeadlinesGoogle LLCLibri e riviste103
1111BriefingFlipboardLibri e riviste111
1212BBC: World News & StoriesBBC Studios Distribution Ltd.Libri e riviste121
1313Arab Times: Gulf Hindi NewsLemon Dot MediaLibri e riviste133
1414Hindi News:Aaj Tak Live TV AppTV Today Network LimitedLibri e riviste141
1515Quora: the knowledge platformQuora, Inc.Libri e riviste151
1616MediumA Medium CorporationLibri e riviste161
1717نبض Nabd - اخبار العالم ، عاجلNabd LtdLibri e riviste171
1818TOI English News, Daily ePaperTIL (Times Internet Limited)Libri e riviste181
1919Gujarati News by Divya BhaskarDainik Bhaskar GroupLibri e riviste191
2020Lokal: Breaking Info & JobsLokal Made in India Local Updates & Local Jobs appLibri e riviste20=
2121Bloomberg: Finance Market NewsBloomberg LP CMLibri e riviste2110
2222Jagbani Punjabi AppPunjab KesariLibri e riviste22=
2323Gulf NewsGulf NewsLibri e riviste232
2424TV9 News App: LIVE TV & NewsAssociated Broadcasting Company Private LimitedLibri e riviste24=
2525CNN: Breaking US & World NewsCNNLibri e riviste253
2626News18: Daily News & UpdatesNetwork18Libri e riviste263
2727NDTV : Daily News & UpdatesNDTV AppsLibri e riviste273
2828BBC NewsBritish Broadcasting CorporationLibri e riviste281
2929BBC News HindiBritish Broadcasting CorporationLibri e riviste293
3030Public News By Locals - ShuruLocal Public News by ShuruLibri e riviste303
3131MathrubhumiMathrubhumiLibri e riviste311
3232SubstackSubstack Inc.Libri e riviste321
3333Marathi News Maharashtra TimesTIL (Times Internet Limited)Libri e riviste331
3434DER SPIEGEL - NachrichtenDER SPIEGEL GmbH & Co. KGLibri e riviste343
3535The New York Times: Live NewsThe New York Times CompanyLibri e riviste351
3636Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑATCOM SALibri e riviste3611
3737The Economist - News, PodcastsThe Economist NewspaperLibri e riviste3715
3838Amar Ujala Hindi News, ePaperAmarujalaLibri e riviste383
3939Daily Telugu News - SamayamTIL (Times Internet Limited)Libri e riviste391
4040HIT TV - Daily News AppAKARSHA MEDIA AND BROADCASTINGLibri e riviste401
4141Tamil News - Live TV 24x7 | FMMobile ArtisansLibri e riviste411
4242Bangla News: All BD Newspapersw2newsLibri e riviste422
4343Economic Times : Business NewsTIL (Times Internet Limited)Libri e riviste431
4444Dinamalar : Tamil Daily NewsDINAMALARLibri e riviste442
4545NOSNOSLibri e riviste45=
4646Malayalam News Live 24x7KERALA GRAPHICSLibri e riviste463
4747Hindi NewsFatafat SamacharLibri e riviste474
4848Al Jazeera - الجزيرةAl Jazeera NetworkLibri e riviste488
4949Al Arabiya - العربيةAl Arabiya Media NetworkLibri e riviste491
5050LovinAugustus Media FZ LLCLibri e riviste50=