Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica delle Salute e fitness migliori app nel mese di Emirati Arabi Uniti su 23 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 23, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 23, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Rank di utilizzoApp ed editoreCategoriaRank di utilizzoModificaClassifica degli storeModifica
11Samsung HealthSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness1=
22Period Calendar Period TrackerSimple Design Ltd.Salute e fitness2=
33Google Fit: Activity TrackingGoogle LLCSalute e fitness31
44Flo Period & Pregnancy TrackerFlo Health Inc.Salute e fitness41
55Sweatcoin・Walking Step CounterSweatco LtdSalute e fitness5=
66Ovulation & Period TrackerLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness6=
77FitbitGoogle LLCSalute e fitness71
88Garmin Connect™GarminSalute e fitness81
99Fitze-Get Rewarded for WalkingFit On ClickSalute e fitness9=
1111Step Counter - PedometerLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness113
1212GymNationEGYM Inc.Salute e fitness121
1313Strava: Run, Bike, HikeStrava Inc.Salute e fitness13=
1414Home Workout - No EquipmentLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness141
1515MyFitnessPal: Calorie CounterMyFitnessPal, Inc.Salute e fitness153
1616My HealthTranssion HoldingsSalute e fitness164
1717Step Tracker - PedometerLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness171
1818NMC MyHealthNMC Assetco LTDSalute e fitness183
1919Fastrack Smart WorldTitan Company LimitedSalute e fitness196
2020Pacer Pedometer & Step CounterPacer HealthSalute e fitness203
2121NoiseFit: Health & FitnessNoiseSalute e fitness212
2222Fitness First MENAScope Software Solutions LLCSalute e fitness222
2323WHOOPWHOOPSalute e fitness23=
2424Finch: Self-Care PetFinch Care Public Benefit CorporationSalute e fitness246
2525Calorie Counter by fatsecretfatsecretSalute e fitness255
2626FitCloudProtopstepSalute e fitness26=
2727Mi Fitness (Xiaomi Wear)Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co.,LtdSalute e fitness2716
2828Miracle of Mind - SadhguruIsha MobileSalute e fitness286
2929Step Counter - PedometerHitchhike TechSalute e fitness295
3030HONOR HealthHonor Device Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness303
3131Sleep Cycle: Sleep TrackerSleep Cycle ABSalute e fitness312
3232WalkTask-Walking Step CounterWalkTaskSalute e fitness324
3333Blood Sugar & Pressure TrackerPHL StudioSalute e fitness332
3434Wearfit ProWakeupSalute e fitness341
3535Pedometer - Step CounterKingBrain®Salute e fitness355
3636Calorie Counter by CronometerCronometer Software Inc.Salute e fitness364
3737HD Fit ProShenzhen Huadafeng Electronics Co.,Ltd.Salute e fitness3710
3838StepUp Pedometer Step CounterStepUp IncSalute e fitness382
3939Zepp LifeAnhui Huami Information Technology Co.,Ltd.Salute e fitness392
4040Dream to Earn: Crypto RewardsBitcoin Cloud Mining & Blockchain Crypto rewardsSalute e fitness401
4141Lefun HealthTENG JINDASalute e fitness414
4242Water Reminder - Remind Drinkrecorder & smart appsSalute e fitness4216
4343Blood Sugar & Pressure TrackerLightCode SolutionsSalute e fitness431
4444Heartwell TrackerChunle JiaSalute e fitness444
4545Insight Timer - Meditation AppInsight Network IncSalute e fitness4518
4646Digital Detox: Focus & LivePetr Nálevka (Urbandroid)Salute e fitness46=
4747Six Pack in 30 DaysLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness4720
4848Core by Chloe TingChloe TingSalute e fitness4878
4949CMF WatchNOTHING TECHNOLOGY LIMITEDSalute e fitness494
5050Lose Weight App for MenLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness5019