Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica delle Salute e fitness migliori app nel mese di Francia su 22 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Rank di utilizzoApp ed editoreCategoriaRank di utilizzoModificaClassifica degli storeModifica
11WeWard - Walk & Earn RewardsWeWardSalute e fitness1=
22Samsung HealthSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness2=
33Garmin Connect™GarminSalute e fitness3=
44Strava: Run, Bike, HikeStrava Inc.Salute e fitness4=
55Basic-FitBasic-FitSalute e fitness5=
66Mi Fitness (Xiaomi Wear)Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co.,LtdSalute e fitness67
77Compte amelil'Assurance MaladieSalute e fitness71
88Yuka - Food & Cosmetic ScannerYuka AppSalute e fitness81
99Google Fit: Activity TrackingGoogle LLCSalute e fitness91
1010Pedometer - Step CounterSimple Design Ltd.Salute e fitness102
1111Macadam - Walk And EarnMacadamAppSalute e fitness113
1212Step Counter - PedometerLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness126
1313Flo Period & Pregnancy TrackerFlo Health Inc.Salute e fitness132
1414BlockerX: Porn BlockerAtmana TechSalute e fitness149
1515Fitness Park AppVirtuagym ProfessionalSalute e fitness151
1616komoot - hike, bike & runkomoot GmbHSalute e fitness1610
1717AllTrails: Hike, Bike & RunAllTrails, LLCSalute e fitness1717
1818YAZIO Food & Calorie CounterYAZIOSalute e fitness183
1919FitbitGoogle LLCSalute e fitness196
2020Period Calendar Period TrackerSimple Design Ltd.Salute e fitness2013
2121Clue Period & Cycle TrackerClue Period Tracker by BioWinkSalute e fitness215
2222Glory FitSmart WearSalute e fitness22=
2323COROSCOROS Wearables, Inc.Salute e fitness234
2424Sleep Tracker - Sleep RecorderLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness24=
2525WithingsWithingsSalute e fitness258
2626Sleep Cycle: Sleep TrackerSleep Cycle ABSalute e fitness266
2727Calorie Counter by fatsecretfatsecretSalute e fitness279
2828Decathlon Coach - fitness, runDecathlonSalute e fitness28=
2929Finch: Self-Care PetFinch Care Public Benefit CorporationSalute e fitness2910
3030Winwalk - it pays to walkGALA MIXSalute e fitness301
3131Motivation - Daily quotesMonkey Taps LLCSalute e fitness318
3232SuuntoSuuntoSalute e fitness32=
3333Lifesum: Calorie TrackerLifesumSalute e fitness338
3434Digital Detox: Focus & LivePetr Nálevka (Urbandroid)Salute e fitness341
3535MyFitnessPal: Calorie CounterMyFitnessPal, Inc.Salute e fitness352
3636INCI BeautyINCI BeautySalute e fitness3615
3737Xplor ActiveLODECOMSalute e fitness377
3838Pedometer - Step Counter AppITO Technologies, Inc.Salute e fitness387
3939Mindfulness with Petit BamBouFeelVeryBien SASSalute e fitness391
4040Foodvisor - Calorie CounterFoodvisorSalute e fitness404
4141Hevy - Gym Log Workout TrackerHevy Gym Workout TrackerSalute e fitness419
4242Blue Light Filter - Night ModeLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness4217
4343Zepp LifeAnhui Huami Information Technology Co.,Ltd.Salute e fitness4310
4444adidas Running: Run TrackerAdidas RuntasticSalute e fitness441
4545Pacer Pedometer & Step CounterPacer HealthSalute e fitness4511
4646ASICS Runkeeper - Run TrackerASICS Runner App Inc.Salute e fitness466
4747Step Counter - PedometerHitchhike TechSalute e fitness471
4848WeightWatchers ProgramWW INTERNATIONAL, INC.Salute e fitness483
4949Insight Timer - Meditation AppInsight Network IncSalute e fitness498
5050Home Workout - No EquipmentLeap Fitness GroupSalute e fitness508