Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica A pagamento iPhone Cibo E Bevande delle migliori app nel mese di Singapore su 22 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Classifica degli storeApp ed editoreCategoriaClassifica degli storeModifica
11Osterie d'Italia 2025Slow Food Editore srlCibo E Bevande1207
22慢吞吞恺诚 吉Cibo E Bevande21
33Best App for Trader Joe's FinderPRAVEEN KUMAR PCibo E Bevande31
44Paprika Recipe Manager 3Hindsight Labs LLCCibo E Bevande41
55Forks Plant-Based RecipesForks Over Knives, LLCCibo E Bevande51
66实用家常菜谱大全Xiaofei TangCibo E Bevande61
77FitMenCook - Healthy RecipesNibble Apps LtdCibo E Bevande71
88Oh She GlowsGlo Bakery CorporationCibo E Bevande81
99iBartender Cocktail RecipesKevin KozanCibo E Bevande91
1010Green KitchenGreen Kitchen Stories ABCibo E Bevande101
1111Jason Vale’s 7-Day Juice DietJuice Master LtdCibo E Bevande111
1212Love, ManuelaPassion For Baking ASCibo E Bevande121
1313Baby Led Kitchenfluffyegg LimitedCibo E Bevande131
1414Hippie LaneCOCO L'AMOUR (NSW) PTY LTDCibo E Bevande141
1515Food Additives 2IGRASS PTY LTDCibo E Bevande151
1616Maja VaseJakob Ambeck VaseCibo E Bevande161
1717FromageSteve WelchCibo E Bevande171
1818Wine MapsJonathan LordCibo E Bevande181
1919Jason Vale’s Super Juice Me!Juice Master LtdCibo E Bevande191
2020Jason Vale’s 3-Day Juice DietJuice Master LtdCibo E Bevande201
2121Sous Vide °CelsiusJonas FreiCibo E Bevande211
2222VinoCell - wine cellar managerVinoDevCibo E Bevande221
2323Jason Vale’s 5-Day Juice DietJuice Master LtdCibo E Bevande231
2424Nutrients - Nutrition FactsPomegranate Apps LLCCibo E Bevande241
2525The Great Coffee AppBaglan DosmagambetovCibo E Bevande251
2626AeroPress TimerBeloved Robot, LLCCibo E Bevande261
2727MealPlan+Fall Day Software Inc.Cibo E Bevande271
2828Healthy Desserts - by Green KitchenGreen Kitchen Stories ABCibo E Bevande281
2929Wine Vintages Rating GuideAvinis GmbHCibo E Bevande291
3030Get JuicedBurleigh Creative Pty LtdCibo E Bevande301
3131Caveman Feast - Paleo RecipesNibble Apps LtdCibo E Bevande311
3232Ratioruhlman enterprises incCibo E Bevande321
3333My Fussy EaterCiara MullanCibo E Bevande331
3434BeerSmith Mobile Home BrewingBeerSmith LLCCibo E Bevande341
3535Daily Blends RecipesSimple Green Smoothies, LLCCibo E Bevande351
3636Jason Vale’s 5:2 Juice DietJuice Master LtdCibo E Bevande36=
3737Cocktail Party: Drink RecipesCooper Bold InteractiveCibo E Bevande372
3838KrautkopfNibble Apps LtdCibo E Bevande381
3939Steak Master - Perfect steaksMirko MüllerCibo E Bevande391
4040SubstitutionsGormaya, LLCCibo E Bevande401
4141Ask The ButcherBirchan Pty LtdCibo E Bevande411
4242Green Smoothies by Young & RawNibble Apps LtdCibo E Bevande421
4343Secret Menu for Starbucks Pro!Sepia Software LLCCibo E Bevande431
4444Harvest - Select the Best ProduceSean MurphyCibo E Bevande441
4545Smart Chef - Cooking HelperRantek Inc.Cibo E Bevande451
4646美食杰VIP-视频菜谱大全Beijing MeiShiJie Information Technology Co.,Ltd.Cibo E Bevande461
4747Conversions - Bake & CookGormaya, LLCCibo E Bevande471
4848VST CoffeeTools PRO for iPhoneVoice Systems Technology, Inc.Cibo E Bevande481
4949Food Lover’s Guide to ParisFood Lovers & Co. IncCibo E Bevande491
5050KitchenPad® TimerStehlik & Co LtdCibo E Bevande501