Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica A pagamento iPhone Salute e fitness delle migliori app nel mese di Giordania su 22 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Classifica degli storeApp ed editoreCategoriaClassifica degli storeModifica
11Fitness Buddy+ Workout TrainerKodeon, Inc.Salute e fitness1=
22AutoSleep Track Sleep on WatchTANTSISSA HOLDINGS PTY LTDSalute e fitness2=
33iMuscle 2 - iPhone Edition3D4Medical.comSalute e fitness3=
44Sleep Time+ Cycle Alarm TimerAzumio Inc.Salute e fitness4=
55Period Tracker DeluxeGP International LLCSalute e fitness5=
66HeartWatch: Heart Rate TrackerTANTSISSA HOLDINGS PTY LTDSalute e fitness6=
77Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiaryMyNetDiary Inc.Salute e fitness7=
88StreaksCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness8=
99Blood Type Diet®North American Pharmacal, Inc.Salute e fitness9=
1010Instant Fitness: Workout TrainerAzumio Inc.Salute e fitness10=
1111Cardiograph ClassicMacroPinch ltd.Salute e fitness11=
1212Fitness Point Pro: Home & GymZERO ONE GmbHSalute e fitness12=
1313Stamena - Longer lasting sexNathaniel EliasonSalute e fitness13=
1414iPeriod Period Tracker +Winkpass Creations, Inc.Salute e fitness14=
1515The Work AppByron Katie International, IncSalute e fitness15=
1616Sex Positions Ever(For Women)碧珍 刘Salute e fitness16=
1717FitPortFlask LLPSalute e fitness17=
1818Rainy MoodPlain Theory, Inc.Salute e fitness18=
1919Streaks WorkoutCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness19=
20207 Minute Workout ChallengeAriyana FelfeliSalute e fitness20=
2121Sleep MachineSleepSoft LLCSalute e fitness21=
2222Daily WorkoutsDaily Workout Apps, LLCSalute e fitness22=
2323BrainWave: 37 Binaural Series™Banzai Labs Inc.Salute e fitness23=
2424WorkOutDoorsIan MurissSalute e fitness24=
2525Relax Melodies P: Sleep SoundsIpnos Software Inc.Salute e fitness25=
2626White NoiseTMSOFTSalute e fitness26=
2727Heart Rate Pro-Health Monitor晖 郝Salute e fitness27=
2828Sleep Tracker ++Vimo Labs Inc.Salute e fitness28=
2929SleepTownSEEKRTECH CO., LTD.Salute e fitness29=
3030NoisliNoisli Labs UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)Salute e fitness30=
3231Monthly CyclesShanghai Fenghe Information Technologies Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness321
3432Pocket YogaRainfrog, LLCSalute e fitness341
3533CARROT FitGrailr LLCSalute e fitness35=
3634Oxygen SaturationBernhard HeringSalute e fitness36=
3735Paleo (io)Impossible X LLCSalute e fitness37=
3836Baby Shusher Sleep Miracle AppBaby Shusher LLCSalute e fitness38=
3937BeatBurn Treadmill Trainer - Walking, Running, and Jogging Workoutslolo, LLCSalute e fitness39=
4038Footsteps PedometerMichal KaszaSalute e fitness40=
4139Buddhify: Guided MeditationWhistle Studios LLCSalute e fitness411
4240Easy Ab Workouts - Flatten and Tone Your Stomach and Back Fatlolo, LLCSalute e fitness421
4341Little Bean - Cosmetic CheckerLittle Bean App LLCSalute e fitness432
4542Workout Calendar - MotivationAndrei ZahariaSalute e fitness452
4643HealthFaceCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness46=
4744Seconds Pro Interval TimerRunloop LtdSalute e fitness471
4845Deep Sleep with AJUniversal Relaxation LtdSalute e fitness481
4946CNS Tap PTY LTDSalute e fitness498
5047Sezzy TimerSarah's Day Pty LimitedSalute e fitness50=
5148Health Sync for FitbitDeucks Pty LtdSalute e fitness51=
5249Sunny Sea Ocean Sleep SoundsFranz BruckhoffSalute e fitness52=
5350Gymnotize Pro Workout RoutinesSteffen RuppelSalute e fitness53=