Classifica delle principali app Android

Le più utilizzate app della categoria "Salute e fitness" Gratis per iPhone nel mese di 22 marzo per il seguente paese: Francia

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 22, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Classifica degli storeApp ed editoreCategoriaClassifica degli storeModifica
11carte VitaleGIE SESAM-VitaleSalute e fitness1=
22Mon espace santéCaisse Nat ASSUR MALADIE TRAV SALARIESSalute e fitness2=
33Compte ameliCaisse Nat ASSUR MALADIE TRAV SALARIESSalute e fitness3=
44iCardiac: Heart Health MonitorBEGAMOB GLOBAL LIMITEDSalute e fitness4=
55Strava: Run, Bike, HikeStrava Inc.Salute e fitness5=
66Foodvisor - Calorie CounterFoodvisorSalute e fitness6=
77Yuka - Food & Cosmetic ScannerYucaSalute e fitness7=
88YAZIO Calorie Counter & DietYAZIO GmbHSalute e fitness8=
99Flo Period & Pregnancy TrackerFLO HEALTH UK LIMITEDSalute e fitness9=
1010Macadam - Walk And EarnPRODUKT BCN INTERACTIVE SLSalute e fitness101
1111Basic-FitBasic-Fit International b.v.Salute e fitness111
1212WeWard - The Walking AppWEWARDSalute e fitness121
1313CaloScanAI -AI Calorie TrackerArcane Miracle LimitedSalute e fitness131
1414InPulse - Heart Rate MonitorAIBY IncorporatedSalute e fitness143
1515Decathlon Coach: Sport/RunningDecathlon SASalute e fitness151
1616Impulse - Brain TrainingGMRD Apps LimitedSalute e fitness163
1717MyFitnessPal: Calorie CounterMyFitnessPal, Inc.Salute e fitness172
1818RespiRelax+SA SET ALLEVARDSalute e fitness18=
1919Fitness Park AppFitness Park developpementSalute e fitness191
2020Cal AI - Calorie TrackerViral Development LLCSalute e fitness201
2121Blood Pressure App-BP TrackerAKRURA PTE. LTDSalute e fitness215
2222explorz - Adventure awaitskwest sasSalute e fitness227
2323Petit BamBou: MindfulnessFeelVeryBien SASSalute e fitness23=
2424Garmin Connect™Garmin InternationalSalute e fitness243
2525komoot - hike, bike & runkomoot GmbHSalute e fitness25=
2626Running Walking Tracker GoalsAK Apptuitive GmbHSalute e fitness264
2727AllTrails: Hike, Bike & RunAllTrails, Inc.Salute e fitness271
2828LEVELING: FitnessTom SasiaSalute e fitness284
3030Cardi Mate: Heart Rate MonitorGismart LtdSalute e fitness3014
3131INCI BeautyTouslesprix.comSalute e fitness31=
3232Fitness App: Gym Workout PlanFITNESS ONLINE MChJSalute e fitness321
3333Sleep Cycle - Tracker & SoundsSleep Cycle ABSalute e fitness333
3434Home Workout - No EquipmentsLeap Health Fitness LimitedSalute e fitness34=
3535Daily Health Blood PressureText Technology LimitedSalute e fitness357
3636StepsApp PedometerStepsApp GmbHSalute e fitness36=
3737Clue Period & Cycle TrackerBioWink GmbHSalute e fitness371
3838Sleepway: Sleep Tracker, SoundVISION WIZARD DIJITAL HIZMETLER ANONIM SIRKETISalute e fitness382
3939KeepcoolDG DEVELOPPEMENTSalute e fitness3923
4040adidas Running: Run trackerruntastic GmbHSalute e fitness403
4141GloryFitShenzhen Ultra Easy Technology Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness414
4242BetterSleep: Relax and SleepIpnos Software Inc.Salute e fitness4210
4343Henner +HENNERSalute e fitness433
4444BestrongKATALEYA SARLSalute e fitness449
4545Da FitMO YOUNG LIMITEDSalute e fitness4512
4646Harmonie & moiHARMONIE MUTUELLESalute e fitness462
4747Workout Planner MuscleFitNext Vision LimitedSalute e fitness475
4848Technogym - Training CoachTechnogym S.p.ASalute e fitness482
4949Calorie Counter by fatsecretSecret Industries Pty LtdSalute e fitness4910
5050Xplor ActiveLODECOMSalute e fitness503