Classifica delle principali app Android

Classifica A pagamento iPhone Salute e fitness delle migliori app nel mese di Finlandia su 20 marzo

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 20, 2025

Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 20, 2025

Esportare in Excel
Classifica degli storeApp ed editoreCategoriaClassifica degli storeModifica
11SleepTownSEEKRTECH CO., LTD.Salute e fitness122
32AutoSleep Track Sleep on WatchTANTSISSA HOLDINGS PTY LTDSalute e fitness31
43Watch to 5K-Couch to 5km planSpaceman Digital LtdSalute e fitness451
54EarthBeat - Schumann ResonanceMarc MennigmannSalute e fitness5209
65WorkOutDoorsIan MurissSalute e fitness64
76Kehukone - piristä päivääsiVille KangasSalute e fitness76
87Schumann ResonanceAlexander FrasconaSalute e fitness85
98HeartWatch: Heart Rate TrackerTANTSISSA HOLDINGS PTY LTDSalute e fitness93
109HeartyPro: Heart Rate & StressHeartyTech Co., LtdSalute e fitness105
1110HealthFitStephane LizeraySalute e fitness114
1211HRV4TrainingA.S.M.A. B.V.Salute e fitness124
1312StreaksCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness134
1413iMuscle 2 - iPhone Edition3D4Medical.comSalute e fitness144
1514WomanLog Pro CalendarPro Active App SIASalute e fitness154
1615Sleep Time+ Cycle Alarm TimerAzumio Inc.Salute e fitness164
1716Pocket YogaRainfrog, LLCSalute e fitness174
1817Labor Contraction TimerSvensk Kodindustri ABSalute e fitness184
1918Fitness Buddy+ Workout TrainerKodeon, Inc.Salute e fitness194
2019Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiaryMyNetDiary Inc.Salute e fitness204
2120Buddhify: Guided MeditationWhistle Studios LLCSalute e fitness214
2221Daily WorkoutsDaily Workout Apps, LLCSalute e fitness224
2322Cardiograph ClassicMacroPinch ltd.Salute e fitness234
2423Weight DiaryCURLYBRACE APPS LTDSalute e fitness244
2524NoisliNoisli Labs UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)Salute e fitness253
2625Streaks WorkoutCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness262
2726Back Country WorkoutWayne HartmanSalute e fitness27=
2827White NoiseTMSOFTSalute e fitness283
2928iPeriod Period Tracker +Winkpass Creations, Inc.Salute e fitness293
3029Ref Guide for Essential OilsAbundant Health, LLCSalute e fitness302
3130Couch to 5K® - Run trainingActive Network, LLCSalute e fitness312
3231Fitness Point Pro: Home & GymZERO ONE GmbHSalute e fitness322
3332Sleep Tracker ++Vimo Labs Inc.Salute e fitness331
3433Sezzy TimerSarah's Day Pty LimitedSalute e fitness343
3534Instant Fitness: Workout TrainerAzumio Inc.Salute e fitness352
3635Seconds Pro Interval TimerRunloop LtdSalute e fitness362
3736Period Tracker DeluxeGP International LLCSalute e fitness372
3937Stamena - Longer lasting sexNathaniel EliasonSalute e fitness392
4038Interval Timer ProShanghai Fenghe Information Technologies Co., Ltd.Salute e fitness402
4239True WeightRory O'BryanSalute e fitness423
4340Relax Melodies P: Sleep SoundsIpnos Software Inc.Salute e fitness432
4441FitPortFlask LLPSalute e fitness441
4542iSmoothRunLAKE HORIZON LIMITEDSalute e fitness453
4643Hatch Squat CalculatorWide Swath Research, LLCSalute e fitness462
4744Daily Ab WorkoutDaily Workout Apps, LLCSalute e fitness472
4845Navy SEAL FitnessCalculated Industries, Inc.Salute e fitness482
4946BrainWave: 37 Binaural Series™Banzai Labs Inc.Salute e fitness492
5047CARROT FitGrailr LLCSalute e fitness502
5148Adrian James: 6 Pack AbsAdrian James Nutrition Ltd.Salute e fitness512
5249Rainy MoodPlain Theory, Inc.Salute e fitness522
5350HealthFaceCrunchy Bagel Pty LtdSalute e fitness531