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- Analisi delle app
- CityWeather – DMI & YR
- CityWeather – DMI & YR Vs. WeatherSpork
CityWeather – DMI & YR vs WeatherSpork Usage & Stats
ByVejr shows you a clear overview of today's weather in your city. How hot will it get, will the UV radiation be high and when will the snow come again? BYVEJR gives you the answer.
Under 'Radar' you can see how the precipitation is moving right now, where you are. How is the weather going to be today? What will be the highest and lowest temperature? Will there be precipitation and will it be rain, snow or sleet?
We show you the weather forecast for you right where you are, but you can of course also choose another city to see your ByVejr either in DK or in the rest of the world. Enter the name of the city in the search field.
- The weather today / ByVejr
- Temperature
- Bathing water temperature / water temperature (only in summer)
- Precipitation (rain, showers, snow or sleet)
- Radar
- Probability of precipitation
- Wind strength and wind direction (and storm)
- Weather map: weather and precipitation radar
- UV index
- When does the sun rise where you are
- When does the sun go down where you are
- Warnings from DMI about dangerous weather
Get a weather forecast by entering the address you want the weather forecast from. It can be your home, your holiday home, or just where you want to catch your breath. You can easily delete them again by dragging the city name to the left.
You can sign up for push notifications - Weather Alerts. Gives you notifications with the most important weather news when something special happens with the weather, e.g. if there is a storm, snowy roads, hail. Or other dangerous weather on the way.
You can get today's weather from DMI by tapping the notification icon in the app. Then you get today's weather in text from DMI, wherever you are.
ByVejr gets its weather data from DMI and YR so you can easily compare the two weather services and create the best overview of what the weather will be like.
Under Radar in the app you can see where it is raining or snowing right now.
ByVejr receives radar data from:
- RainViewer
- Windy
- Lightning Maps
In the ByVejr app, our focus is on bringing together the best weather services to create the best weather forecast in Denmark.
ByVejr shows the weather from DMI and YR. We do not do weather forecasts there, but exclusively collect information so that you can easily create an overview of the weather.
If you like ByVejr, write a review of the app and give up to 5 stars. Please also send feedback to info@appcode.dk so that we can get your input, and you can help improve ByVejr for the benefit of you and other users.
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WeatherSpork is the strategic all-purpose weather planning application for aviators at all experience levels that will nicely complement the flight planning app(s) you normally use in the cockpit. WeatherSpork offers an inexpensive multi-faceted approach to uniquely blend online weather guidance along with aviation weather education. This includes -
1) Visualization tools such as a Meteogram, a vertical depiction of the weather over the next three days at an airport.
2) The Route Profile view is also a vertical depiction that lets you quickly see the impact of wind and hazardous weather along your proposed route of flight.
3) The Grid view coupled with the "Wheels Up Departure Advisor" lets you choose the most favorable time to fly.
To use WeatherSpork an annual subscription is required.
WeatherSpork provides fairly comprehensive weather guidance, but only provides supplemental weather information to pilots and is not a substitute for a standard weather briefing as described in FAA Advisory Circular 00-45H Change 1 (https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_00-45H_Chg_1.pdf).
WeatherSpork is only accessible in the U.S. mainland, but look for Alaska and Hawaii to be added soon.
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CityWeather – DMI & YR VS.
novembre 26, 2024