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- BO mind
- BO mind Vs. Tibber - Smarter power
BO mind vs Tibber - Smarter power Usage & Stats
Spoznajte BO!, prvo slovensko aplikacijo za duševno zdravje, ki vam pomaga izboljšati počutje in doseči osebno rast. Ne glede na to, ali šele začenjate spoznavati pomen duševnega zdravja, raziskujete možnosti za izboljšanje počutja, ali ste že v procesu iskanja strokovne pomoči, vam BO! nudi prilagojene rešitve za vsak korak na vaši poti.
BO! ponuja širok spekter vaj za krepitev duševnega zdravja, ki vam pomagajo zmanjšati stres, izboljšati razpoloženje in vzpostavi čustveno ravnovesje. Z aplikacijo lahko vsakodnevno spremljate svoje počutje, kar vam omogoča boljše razumevanje vaših miselnih in čustvenih vzorcev – ključnih za dolgoročno dobro počutje. Psihoedukacijske vsebine vas vodijo skozi različne vidike duševnega zdravja, učijo vas, kako obvladovati stres in razvijati zdrave navade za ohranjanje notranjega ravnovesja. Poleg tega BO! omogoča enostaven dostop do usposobljenih psihoterapevtov, ki vam nudijo strokovno podporo na poti do boljšega duševnega zdravja.
Kot edinstvena slovenska aplikacija, prilagojena potrebam vsakega posameznika, vas BO! vodi skozi celoten proces izboljšanja duševnega stanja s preverjenimi metodami .
Ne čakajte na boljši jutri – ustvarite ga že danes z BO!
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Tibber is more than an energy company! Besides our hourly-based electricity agreement, our app is filled with valuable insights, innovative features, and smart integrations. Tibber is your companion, helping you to easily lower and control your electricity consumption.
Energy consumption counts for a large part of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions and the electrification of society is growing at an aggressive speed. Yet many energy companies earn more, the more electricity their customers use. We don’t. In fact, we don’t make a penny on your consumption amount. Instead, we help you lower your energy consumption, contributing to a more sustainable energy market and future.
Tibber’s whole business idea is built around smart products, features, and integrations helping you to lower and control your consumption. Optimize your electricity consumption by smart charging your car, smart heating your house, or easily integrating smart products straight into our app.
In Tibber Store it’s easy to find everything you need to upgrade your home’s intelligence. Wallboxes for your electric vehicle, air source heat pumps, and smart lighting products are just some things you can find on our shelves.
Hourly-based electricity agreement with 100 % fossil-free energy
Optimize and take full control of your consumption through valuable insights and smart products, features, and integrations
Lower your costs
Easy to change – no binding period
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Confronta la tendenza di classifica BO mind nei ultimi 28 giorni rispetto a Tibber - Smarter power
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BO mind VS.
Tibber - Smarter power
novembre 26, 2024