Finizens: the best Roboadvisor for index funds and ETFs. We are an independent automated manager specializing in investment in index funds.
Robo advisor for investment portfolios of the most profitable index funds and ETFs:
Profitability of +200% over 20 years, also being the cheapest and most diversified robo-advisor in Spain.
Portfolios of investment funds and pension plans with the best index funds and ETFs, the most profitable fixed-income and variable-income investment funds. “Institutional plus” class from the most prestigious managers in the world: Vanguard, BlackRock, Amundi, State Street, DWS, Lyxor, Invesco and Schwab.
Morningstar endorses the results of our passive management with the 5-star rating obtained in 2020.
With more than 20,000 clients and growing, we manage successful indexed portfolios, including for entities such as Caser Seguros and EVOBanco (Bankinter).
✓ More profitable. +3% annual profitability above the average of comparable investment funds in Spain in the medium-long term
✓ Commissions up to 85% lower. We are the only ones in Spain to reduce automatically the management fee at 0.02% for each year you are with us, the cheapest robo advisor on the market
✓ The most diversified investment portfolios on the market. Lower risk thanks to global exposure in 25,000 different positions with the best managers in the world (Vanguard, BlackRock, etc.)
✓ Fixed Income and Variable Income Funds, we are the only robo-advisor that also includes Real Assets (Gold and real estate REITs)
✓ Passive investment indexed portfolios with 6 risk profiles (from conservative to aggressive)
✓ Initial contribution from just €1,000 for our Investment Fund Portfolio and €50 for the Pension Plan
✓ The cheapest Pension Plans on the market, with awards for “the best pension plan in Spain” and the most profitable in the last 5 years
✓ 100% digital experience and visibility of your investments
✓ Automatic rebalancing and automated management to control the level of risk, in addition to generating greater profitability
✓ Finizens Premium Service, starting at €100,000 with exclusive benefits
✓ Index Fund Portfolios
✓ Indexed Pension Plans
✓ Indexed Savings Plans for Children
✓ Securities Agency authorized by the CNMV (no. 267) and the DGSFP.
✓ Investments covered by the FOGAIN and FGD guarantee funds.
✓ Prestigious custodians: Inversis, Cecabank and Caser Seguros.
✓ Audits carried out by EY and Garrigues.
✓ Endorsed by prestigious institutional partners and shareholders such as Caser Seguros, Inversis, EVO Banco, Cecabank, Axon Partners Group, Mutualidad de la Abogacía, Mutualidad de los Ingenieros.
✓ Robo-Advisor profitable and reliable in the long term.
✓ 5 Stars Trustpilot and Google Reviews
✓ Ecofin: Titans of Finance (2023 and 2024)
✓ Ecofin: TOP TEN Fintech (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023)
✓ Rankia: Best Pension Plan in Spain (2020 and 2021)
✓ Capital Radio: Best Robo Advisor (2021)
✓ La Razón - Best Private Banking 2019
✓ Merca2 - Best Robo-advisor in Spain (2019)
✓ Economic News - 100 Best Ideas (2018)
✓ Capital Radio - Best Private Banking Wealthtech (2018)
✓ La Razón - Best Fintech (2018)
✓ Rankia - Best Robo-aAdvisor (2017)