Sea Temperature vs Gfrö Usage & Stats

The app "Sea temperature" is intended for all who like to travel to coasts around the world. Here you will find current sea temperatures and air temperatures for 166 countries. Instruments which collect weather and ocean data are marine buoys. Attention! Buoys are not placed at all beaches of the world. If you do not find a city in the list, see the water temperature in the nearest town. Download this app and check sea temperature before you go on holiday. Features: - current sea temperatures; - current air temperature; - 166 countries; - 5000 locations.
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Gfrö allows you to view the water temperatures of different locations at Swiss lakes in real time. So you always know if the water is warm enough for swimming, water skiing or any other water related activity. The data is collected and transmitted by self developed sensors every 15 minutes. The app includes the following features: - The map view gives you an overview over all locations and their temperature at a glance. - In the detail view of a location you can find its current temperature, the maximum and minimum values, and a graph of its temperature history. - Using the search function, you can easily search and filter the locations according to the current temperatures or other properties. Is your favorite location not yet listed, or are you interested in sponsoring a new location? Then contact us at
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Sea TemperatureRanking a confronto con Gfrö

Confronta la tendenza di classifica Sea Temperature nei ultimi 28 giorni rispetto a Gfrö

Sea TemperatureSea Temperature#175


Sea Temperature vs. Gfrö ranking by country comparison

Confronta la tendenza di classifica Sea Temperature nei ultimi 28 giorni rispetto a Gfrö

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Sea Temperature VS.

novembre 26, 2024