zVEM vs Monolit2Go Usage & Stats

Aplikacija zVEM vam nudi hiter in preprost dostop do izvidov, receptov in drugih dokumentov znotraj sistema eZdravje. Omogoča vam naslednje storitve: - Pregledovanje zdravstvene dokumentacije (izvidi, pooblastila in druga dokumentacija) - Pregledovanje izdanih in uporabljenih eReceptov - Pregledovanje eNapotnic in eNaročil - Pregledovanje čakalnih dob - Funkcionalnost prejema potisnih obvestil o novih zdravstvenih dokumentih - Izdaja in shranjevanje digitalnih covid potrdil (DCP), ki se uporabljajo za potovanja znotraj EU in v nekaterih drugih državah Za uporabo aplikacije potrebujete dostop do spletnega portala zVEM na naslovu https://zvem.ezdrav.si, kjer boste s pomočjo kode QR avtorizirali uporabo na mobilnem telefonu. Za uporabo portala potrebujete račun SI-PASS in kvalificirano digitalno potrdilo (SIGEN-CA, PoštarCA ali drugo) oz. prijavni mehanizem SMS-pass. Več o računu SI-PASS si lahko preberete na https://www.si-trust.gov.si/sl/. Aplikacija je namenjena uporabnikom slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema, tako slovenskim državljanom kot tudi tujim državljanom, ki prebivajo v Sloveniji in uporabljajo zdravstvene storitve pri lokalnih izvajalcih.
  • App Store di Apple
  • Gratis
  • Salute e fitness

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Monolit2Go is the ultimate outdoor guide for hikers, cyclists and other nature fans that want to explore the great Slovenian outdoors. It is meant for everyone who enjoys spending time outside, discovering new places and wonders of Slovenia. Application includes more than 2.600 hiking and cycling trails as well as information on other types of trails such as wine and tourist routes. This easy to use guide contains data for the entire Slovenia, all the way from the Alps to the coast. Cycling, hiking and mountain trails are described in detail with information like trail length, estimated time duration, difficulty level, description, elevation data with detailed elevation profiles and nearby points of interest. Each trail is verified and classified whether it is family friendly or not and enriched with data that tells you exactly how much of the trail goes through the forest, how much of it is on the main and side roads. Application includes data about the most popular and favourite Slovenian transversals, which includes but is not limited to the Slovenian mountain path or transversal, European walking path E6 and E7, Via Alpina, Pot miru, Via Pomurje, and Juliana trail. It includes popular walking trails like Path of Remembrance and Comradeship, the route of health and friendship more commonly known as Parenzana, different educational trails and many other. Some of the advantages that the application has to offer: - Trails are shown on a detailed topographic map, which is locally sourced and produced by the app creators, - The map includes over 10.000 km of hiking and mountain trails, more than 10.000 km of cycling trails, around 1100 km of wine roads, and 3100 km of tourist roads. It also includes all major ski slopes in Slovenia, - The trail database is constantly being updated, - You can save data for the selected trails on your mobile phone’s internal storage and use it even without a network connection, - You can browse through over 30.000 points of interest and view the ones that are located along the selected trails, which include natural and cultural attractions, restaurants, mountain huts, etc., - You can check your current status on the trail with the exact elevation level and position along the trail, - The app shows trails around your current location by default but you can also easily search for trails in a specific region, around a city, address, and trails leading to a selected mountain peak, - You can filter trails by difficulty level, duration, distance, family friendliness, circular trails, and more. Application is currently available in Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian language.
  • App Store di Apple
  • Gratis
  • Salute e fitness

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novembre 26, 2024