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Classement Payant iPhone Livres des meilleures applications dans Suisse sur 19 mars

Dernière mise à jour : mars 19, 2025

Dernière mise à jour : mars 19, 2025

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Classement dans le storeApplication et éditeurCatégorieClassement dans le storeÉvolution
11Storynory - Audio StoriesWizzard SoftwareLivres1128
22Baby Years Development TrackerPiper Verlag GmbHLivres21
33BookBuddy Pro: Library ManagerKimico LtdLivres31
44ShelfPlayerRasmus KramerLivres41
55MP3 Audiobook Player ProOleg BraileanLivres51
66TI-84 CE Calculator ManualDi Venisco UG (haftungsbeschrankt)Livres61
77Catholic Calendar - EnglishAmbika SaravananLivres71
88The big word factoryMixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbHLivres81
99Littlest Pet Shop: Pet StylePlayDate Digital Inc.Livres91
1010Audiobooks HQ +Inkstone Software, Inc.Livres103
1111MegaReaderInkstone Software, Inc.Livres113
1212CHOMP by Christoph NiemannFox and Sheep GmbHLivres1210
1313Birthday Reminder - Calendar and CountdownJoachim BrunsLivres132
1414Livres Audio HQInkstone Software, Inc.Livres142
1515Hausmittel für Kinder PROKigorosa UG (haftungsbeschr�nkt)Livres152
1616eBook Search Pro - Book FinderInkstone Software, Inc.Livres162
1717Hora BenedictiBenediktinerkloster DisentisLivres172
1818Scanolino ProK - IT Service GmbHLivres182
1919Bluefire ReaderBluefire ProductionsLivres192
2020Prinzessin Lillifee und das Einhorn – Bildergeschichte, Malspaß, StickerzauberBlue Ocean Entertainment AGLivres203
2121Omas Tipps - Die besten TricksMario Guenther-BrunsLivres213
2222القاعدة النورانيةFurqan Group for Education& ITLivres223
2323Käpt’n Sharky Piratenspaß zum Lesen und SpielenBlue Ocean Entertainment AGLivres233
2424Nighty Night ForestFox and Sheep GmbHLivres243
2525Der kleine Pirat - Kirsten Boie, Silke BrixVerlag Friedrich Oetinger GmbHLivres253
2626Philosophie (Anthologie de la)FB PUBLISHING LLCLivres263
2727Free Books - 23,469 Classics For Less Than A Cup Of Coffee. An Extensive Ebooks And Audiobooks LibraryDigital Press Publishing, s.r.o.Livres273
2828Hat Monkey by Chris HaughtonFox and Sheep GmbHLivres2819
2929LibriVox Audio Books ProBookDesign LLCLivres2919
3030point it AppDieter GrafLivres301
3131Prinzessin Lillifee Ballettzauber - Bildergeschichte, Tanzspiel, StickerzauberBlue Ocean Entertainment AGLivres311
3232Der kleine Prinz – KinderbuchLARIXPRESS srlLivres321
3333Bound - Audiobook PlayerDeadpan, LLCLivres331
3434Prinzessin Lillifee und die Seejungfrau – Bildergeschichte, Malspaß, StickerzauberBlue Ocean Entertainment AGLivres341
3535Beautiful Baby Names PROKigorosa UG (haftungsbeschr�nkt)Livres351
3636QuickReader - Speed ReadingInkstone Software, Inc.Livres361
3737Self Help Classics .TEDRA SOFT SRLLivres371
3838The Ogglies - A Dragon Party for FirebottomVerlag Friedrich Oetinger GmbHLivres381
3939Il Libro delle OreEDITRICE NUOVO MONDO srlLivres391
4040Audiobooks - 5,239 Classics Ready to ListenDigital Press Publishing, s.r.o.Livres401
4141Grief & Loss - QuotesMario Guenther-BrunsLivres411
4242Importantia Strong-BibelCross Link Services B.V. AppsLivres421
4343Greeting Cards for Every Occasion - Greetings, Congratulations & Saying ImagesJoachim BrunsLivres431
4444CantiEDITRICE NUOVO MONDO srlLivres441
4545I can't wait - Moi, j'attendsBachibouzoukLivres451
4646Coffee PreparationsKai BruchmannLivres461
4747Chuggington - We are the ChuggineersStoryToys LimitedLivres471
4848The Witch With No Name HDSlimCricketLivres481
4949Peekaboo ForestNight & Day Studios, Inc.Livres491
5050Franc-Maçonnerie (Anthologie)FB PUBLISHING LLCLivres501