Analyse de l'application Hattrick Football Manager Game pour le 14 février

Hattrick Football Manager Game

Hattrick Football Manager Game

  • Hattrick Ltd
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Jeux > Sports
In Hattrick, you get to run your own football club! Scout talent, train players, pick your best team and set the tactics for league and cup competitions. It’s all free! Compete against human managers and try to beat them to the trophy! You can play the full game through the app - but it is also available at How do I play Hattrick? Although Hattrick is engaging and addictive, we have designed the game so that anyone can understand it, and have the time for it. Hattrick is a humanly paced game with one league game and one cup game per week. Your decisions will form the team over time, through training and transfer market actions. You get results through planning and outsmarting your opponent, rather than logging in to click every 15 minutes. Is Hattrick a free game? Hattrick is free and you cannot pay for advantages in gameplay. Many of our users have played for 5 or even 10 years, proof that when you enter Hattrick, you really do enter an engaging and unique football universe. It is possible to pay for extra features that do not affect your team's performance. A worldwide community Hattrick is available in over 50 languages and we have 128 national leagues with local communities! Our forums, available at as well, have thousands of posts every day. Visiting them is an excellent way of getting more out of the Hattrick experience. -What are the features of the Hattrick app? -Full squad management, with training and transfers. -Set tactics and individual orders for upcoming games. -Live match viewer for all your games. -Manage club staff, finances and arena. -Scout upcoming opponents and search the transfer market. -Check your league and cup competition status. -Dynamic dashboard shows you what is important right now. -And lots more!
Hattrick Football Manager Game

Rang d'utilisation de Hattrick Football Manager Game

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février 14, 2025