Analyse de l'application Smart Control Car Premium OBD2 pour le 15 février

Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

  • SmartApps4Me
  • Google Play Store
  • Payant
  • Finance
The Premium version is an improvement of the Pro version which is no longer supported. Anyone who bought the Pro can request a free Premium license via email at Thanks to the information provided by the OBDII diagnostic, Smart Control is able to calculate the consumption, detect the beginning and the end of every move and store trips; in addition, it can calculate and track performance data such as power and speed up or braking etc. For the latest generation of the Mazda Skyactiv engines, the app is able to display the data related to the regeneration of the DPF filter and monitor its activation. It's important to note that the Premium version does not guarantee greater compatibility than the Lite version. So, the users interested in buying, have to check the proper connection of the Lite version with cars. The Lite version provides a range of functions and for less demanding users is a good on-board computer (OBC). The Premium version was created for more demanding users who want an advanced OBC. The graphics of the Premium version has been optimized and improved both in aesthetic and features to make your driving experience even more enjoyable. Through the Head Up Display function (HUD) of the Live Data you will be able to read all the information in your field of view. The functions of the two versions (Lite and Premium) are absolutely equivalent, except for the limitations foreseen for the Lite version. To find out about the features and differences between the two versions, visit the Versions page of the app website by clicking the following link:
Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

Rang d'utilisation de Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

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Analysez les habitudes d'utilisation des utilisateurs de Smart Control Car Premium OBD2 en consultant les téléchargements de Smart Control Car Premium OBD2 et les utilisateurs actifs quotidiens au fil du temps.

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Classement d'utilisation et classement Google Play Store de Similarweb pour Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

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Ranking par pays pour Smart Control Car Premium OBD2

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Smart Control Car Premium OBD2 VS.

février 15, 2025