Analyse de l'application Lectio 365 pour le 14 février

Lectio 365

Lectio 365

  • 24-7 Prayer
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
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Meditate on God’s word morning, noon and night: Lectio 365 is a completely free daily devotional app to help you pause in the presence of God. Jesus and his early followers stopped to pray three times a day. You can join in with this ancient rhythm and pray like Jesus did, with three short prayer times to slow down, find calm, meditate on scripture, and experience God’s presence. DEVELOP A DAILY RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS Join hundreds of thousands of people across the globe and learn to meditate on the Bible and respond in prayer. Each morning the devotional follows the simple P.R.A.Y rhythm: * P:ause to be still * R:ejoice with a Psalm and reflect on Scripture * A:sk for God’s help * Y:ield to his will in your life COMING 1 JANUARY 2025: At midday, pause to pray The Lord’s Prayer and consider a short reflection to connect with God. The prayer each day will be focused on compassion: getting your attention away from your own agenda to see the world from God’s perspective, interceding for his kingdom to come. End your day with peaceful Night Prayers that help you: * Reflect on the day that has passed, relinquishing stress and control * Rejoice in God’s goodness, noticing his presence throughout the day * Repent and receive forgiveness for what has gone wrong * Rest in readiness for sleep LISTEN OR READ ON THE GO You can choose to listen to the devotional being read, with or without music; you can also read it for yourself. Download morning, noon and night prayers a week in advance to listen or read wherever you are and save your favourite devotionals from the last 30 days to return to. TRY SOMETHING ANCIENT Lectio 365 Morning Prayers are inspired by the ancient practice of ‘Lectio Divina’ (meaning ‘Divine Reading’), a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries. 

Lectio 365 Midday Prayers are centred around The Lord’s Prayer. 
 Lectio 365 Night Prayers are inspired by the Ignatian practice of The Examen, which is a way to prayerfully reflect on your day. TOPICAL CONTENT, TIMELESS THEMES * Pray about global issues and headlines (e.g. wars, natural disasters, areas of injustice) * Explore timeless Biblical themes (e.g. ‘The Names of God,’ or ‘The Teachings of Jesus’) * Prepare for Christmas, Easter and Pentecost and celebrate heroes of the faith on Feast Days FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF CENTURIES OF CHRISTIANS… Jesus and his disciples followed the Jewish tradition of praying three times a day. The early church continued this practice, uniting not simply around a weekly meeting but also around a daily rhythm of prayer. This practice of returning to God over and over again throughout the day helped to launch the church all over the world. With Lectio 365, you become part of reviving this ancient rhythm of prayer in the modern church. EXPERIENCE GOD’S PRESENCE Time each day to remember who you really are, who God really is, and the story you are living in. Take your eyes off your circumstances and turn your attention to God: deliberately interrupting your ordinary, everyday life to remember who you’re living for. SHAPE YOUR LIFE Learn about the six Christian practices at the heart of the 24-7 Prayer movement and be inspired to build rhythms of: * Prayer * Mission * Justice * Creativity * Hospitality * Learning JOIN THE 24-7 PRAYER MOVEMENT 24-7 Prayer started in 1999, when one simple student-led prayer vigil went viral, and groups all over the world joined in to pray non-stop. Now, a quarter of a century later, 24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational prayer movement, still praying continuously in thousands of communities. 24-7 Prayer has helped individuals all over the world to encounter God in prayer rooms; now we want to help people develop a daily relationship with Jesus.
Lectio 365

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février 14, 2025