Podcast Player App - Podbean vs Offline Podcast App: Player FM Utilisation & Stats

Podbean is the best podcast app / podcast player and audio livestream app on Android with 5 Million+ downloads, 120K+ reviews, 300K+ live show hours, 1 Billion+ episodes downloaded, and an average rating of 4.7/5. Also nominated as one of the "Top podcast player apps, 50 best podcatchers for Android and iOS" by TCC.👍 Podbean Podcast App is an easy to use podcast player for podcast fans, offering a super clean layout and easy to navigate interface. With millions of popular podcasts to choose from, you can stream or download your favorite podcasts anywhere, anytime for free. ⭐️DISCOVERY / RECOMMENDATION •  Subscribe to millions of podcast channels including top networks like NPR, CBC, BBC, HowStuffWorks, The New York Times, This American Life and Gimlet. •  Search by podcast name, episode name, or author name. •  Browse new/trending/top podcasts by topics or categories. •  Get customized recommendations based on your play history. •  Choose audiobooks from bestsellers and classics for FREE. ⭐️PLAYBACK / AUDIO EFFECTS •  Instantly stream or download podcasts to play offline. •  Stay organized with customizable playlists. •  Intelligent speed removes silences from an episode without distortion. •  Volume boost normalize the volume and make shows easier to listen to. •  Advanced playback features like auto-play next and Sleep timer. •  Support mini podcast player widget on your android homepage. •  Support bluetooth, ChromeCast and android auto. •  Integrate with Amazon Alexa. ⭐️NOTIFICATION / AUTOMATION •  Stay updated: Get new episode notification from followed podcasts. •  Automatic download and option to delete after being played. •  Support batch mode to download, delete, and add playlist. •  Settings can be customized by podcast. ⭐️AUDIO RECORDER / PODCAST STUDIO •  Professional podcast recording studio app with easy-to-use interface. •  Rich background music and various sound effects to choose from. •  Powerful post-production including edit, split, merge, and export. •  Free large space, various promotions, and social sharing. •  All-in-one audio recorder and podcast creator to make a podcast. •  Remote group recording, collaborating with invited people. •  Instant interaction and feedback in the live chat. •  Cloud server backup, get originals for future editing. ⭐️AUIDO LIVE STREAMING •  Listen to an exciting variety of live audio shows •  Engage with the host and other listeners with messages •  Send gifts to reward the host •  Call-in to share your thoughts and ask questions •  Fan Club: recurring income from your most loyal fan base with special live stream privileges. Listen best podcasts 2020 on Podbean - Podcast App & Podcast Player, including This American Life, Serial, The Joe Rogan Experience, S Town, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, Radiolab, My Favorite Murder, True crime, Criminal, Joel Osteen, The Dave Ramsey Show, ESPN Radio, The Daily, Dirty John, Up First, The Moth, The Tim Ferriss Show, Freakonomics Radio, Startup, Stuff You Should Know, How Stuff Works, Bloomberg, Revision3, Relay FM, PodcastOne, The New Yorker, Showtime, Slate, TEDTalks, NPR podcasts, Wondery, WNYC, 5by5, KCRW, NASA, CBS Radio, CNET, CNN, CBC, BBC and Bill O'Reilly etc. Download Free Podbean Podcast App now!
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Player FM is a cross-platform podcast player that refuses to compromise! No wifi? No problem! Download your favorite podcasts with Player FM and listen offline. Enjoy an audio + video podcast experience that is elegant, powerful, and has your back! Sync play position across devices, customize themes, and manage playlists! Auto volume boost and silence skip on podcasts & your MP3 files. Find your favorite shows and discover trending podcasts focused on education, news, business, technology, sports, comedy, music, and more! Our podcast library is updated multiple times per day, ensuring we always have the latest shows and episodes. Plus, discover free audio books, documentaries, video podcasts and interviews with our human-powered catalogue and advanced episode-level search. What podcasts will you find here? Education (TED Talks), Productivity (Tim Ferriss), Chat (Oprah podcast), Comedy (#1 podcast by Adam Carolla), Audio drama and Audio Books (Night Vale), Stories (Serial) and other top podcasts. Dive into 20+ million free episodes from indie audio to major networks like NYT, NPR & MSNBC! Play podcasts when it suits you! 📱 The go-to podcast app for your phone, tablet, car, watch or desktop computer 🚗 Android Auto 🔊 Chromecast ⌚ WearOS 🌐 Web ★★★★★ KEY FEATURES ★★★★★ 📱💻 Seamless cloud sync Follow a podcast on one device and it will appear on another. ✔ Google login ✔ Password login ✔ Web app 🚶 Podcast offline No wifi? No worries! Commuting or relaxing, your podcast player marches on. 💾 SD card compatible Allows you to free up storage space on your device. 📦 Podcast groups Organize your shows into genres and moods. ⏲️ Sleep timer Let the podcast player fall asleep when you do. ⌚ Tech lover? Player FM integrates with many devices and platforms including Android Auto, Chromecast, WearOS, and more! ★★★★★ PREMIUM FEATURES ★★★★★ Explore a podcast paradise, designed for podcast purists! 😍 Ads free experience Focus on the content of your favorite podcast episodes without the distraction of ads 😍 Play content across several devices Sync playlists, full play history, and current episode. 😎 Playlists & bookmarks Organize with playlists and timestamped bookmarks tied to your cloud account. 😉 Compress audio Zip up your audio, while keeping it playable. A 100MB MP3 could compress to 30MB, super space saver! 😋 Turbo Fetch Get new content updates early & often. Be the first to know! 😎 Personal search Locate any episode from your subscriptions and playlists. You'll love our human-powered podcast catalogue 😍. News podcasts (documentaries, liberal and conservative politics, current affairs - The Daily by NYT, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, KCRW, NPR podcasts), education podcasts (TED Talks), comedy (Oprah, Conan, Adam Carolla - #1 podcast), sports (football, basketball, hockey, fitness podcasts), history (Dan Carlin), business (startups, trading, money podcasts - Freakonomics, Gary V), tech (Hardware, IT, Android & Google podcasts - Reply All), self-improvement (productivity, romance, learning - Tim Ferriss), story podcasts (audio drama, radio plays, true crime, mystery - Serial, Night Vale, Crimetown), culture (music, movies - Slate Gabfest), much more! support@player.fm Enjoy ✌️ ❤️ 🎧
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Musique & Audio

Classement d'utilisation

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Comparaison des classements Podcast Player App - Podbean vs. Offline Podcast App: Player FM

Comparez l'évolution du classement de Podcast Player App - Podbean au cours des 28 derniers jours à celle de Offline Podcast App: Player FM.

Podcast Player App - PodbeanPodcast Player App - Podbean#3,057


Comparaison des classements Podcast Player App - Podbean et Offline Podcast App: Player FM par pays

Comparez l'évolution du classement de Podcast Player App - Podbean au cours des 28 derniers jours à celle de Offline Podcast App: Player FM.

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Podcast Player App - Podbean VS.
Offline Podcast App: Player FM

mars 22, 2025