Analyse de l'application Kathuwaraya: Sinhala Novels pour le 15 février

Kathuwaraya: Sinhala Novels

Kathuwaraya: Sinhala Novels

  • කතුවරයා
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Livres & Référence
Kathuwaraya gives you the freedom to choose from the largest Sinhala novels repository in Sri Lanka. Download story chapters as you read. Kathuwaraya mobile app is a hazel free way to find your favourite Sinhala novels and short stories. We are a growing community of Sinhala readers and writers. Our authors are passionate. Authors who started with kathuwaraya have now published their books and continue to do so in the future. Download our free mobile apps to read Sinhala novels for free. Kathuwaraya is the new norm of reading and writing Sinhala stories. This is the companion Android app of Users can read from a wide range of short stories and novels for free as soon as the app is installed on their Android devices. App will notify the users whenever new stories are added to the platform. Start using Kathuwaraya today. Users can search, filter, bookmark and give feedback on the stories through the app. Download kathuwaraya, a Sinhala story app made exclusive for authors and readers. Please send us your valuable feedback to We would love to hear it from you.
Kathuwaraya: Sinhala Novels

Rang d'utilisation de Kathuwaraya: Sinhala Novels

Le classement d'utilisation est basé sur l'algorithme de Similarweb qui calcule les installations actuelles et les utilisateurs actifs sur une période de 28 jours.

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février 15, 2025