Analyse de l'application Left to Survive: Zombie Games pour le 22 février

Left to Survive: Zombie Games

Left to Survive: Zombie Games

  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Jeux > Action
Get ready for the action-packed zombie game! Left To Survive is a game about life after apocalypse – zombies have enslaved the Earth and survival war has begun! Life is no longer what it used to be: humans are fighting for survival, and the Earth belongs to the undead from now on. Save the human race from zombie apocalypse! Start expeditions to meet the heroes of this post-apocalyptic reality, challenge other players in PvP matches and helicopter raids, and show your shooting skills. Zombie shooting game begins… now! Fight against HORDES OF ZOMBIES in the survival game! The world is teeming with the undead. No place to run or to hide. Become a hero of this zombie apocalypse reality and shoot up all the zombies. Start the Survival Campaign, follow the story, and rid the Earth of the undead hordes! Help humanity to rise up like a phoenix from the ashes. Wide variety of ARMOR at your service during the apocalypse! On your mission to save the world from zombies, a huge range of weapons and gear will be at your service. Make a choice and pick the right one from assault weapons and sniper rifles to machine guns and shotguns that will help you to shoot up all the zombies in no time in the shooting game. Equip your hero with gear to enhance his skills and powers. Upgrade and evolve weapons and gear and make heroes more powerful. Unite them ALL in the shooting game! Meet all the heroes of the zombie apocalypse world. Back in the day, they were totally different people, just ordinary humans. Now, it’s their duty to protect the world from zombies. Each of them has unique survival skills and abilities. Upgrade and evolve them to level up their skills. Last, but not least, gather all the survivors to give them new hope and new home. These specialists can improve your base and make life easier. Engines checked, ready to RAID BASES in apocalypse Raid enemy bases in the action shooting game. Zombie apocalypse has come and only the strongest will survive. Raid other bases with your helicopter and collect resources. Be prepared for a “warm” welcome, you can get into a serious skirmish: your opponents’ bases are protected by towers and local troops. It won’t be that easy to take resources out from under their noses. Equip the helicopter with a powerful weapon and upgrade it to have a successful raid. Fight for survival! Challenge other players in PvP MATCHES Test your skills in PvP matches and become the best shooter among players. It’s the perfect opportunity to challenge other players, to gain more shooting experience, to find out who is the best shooter among you, and to train before you face zombies as well. Play in 2x2 survival matches or solo in the action game. Team up with your clanmates and challenge other players together during the apocalypse. Build your BASE to ensure survival! To survive and make the future bright, build a new home for yourself and other survivors – your base. Turn it into a place where everyone can find shelter and feel safe: produce food and resources, arm your heroes with unique abilities, modify weapons, etc. Fortify it to protect it from raids and looting. Follow us on Facebook
Left to Survive: Zombie Games

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février 22, 2025