Analyse de l'application Elfster: The Secret Santa App pour le 14 février

Elfster: The Secret Santa App

Elfster: The Secret Santa App

  • Elfster
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Shopping
Elfster is the number one Secret Santa gift exchange. This free, easy to use Secret Santa Generator is perfect for Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid Al-fitr, and all holidays. Easily make shareable wish lists, set exclusions and restrictions, and draw names. ELFSTER FEATURES: CREATE WISH LISTS - Manage holiday shopping and gift registries - Share your wish lists with friends and family, even if they don’t have Elfster - Follow your loved ones’ wishes so you’ll always know what to get them SECRET SANTA GIFT EXCHANGE - Save and share wish lists for Christmas, other holidays, special occasions, or parties - Elfster will help you generate names and decide who’s buying whom a Secret Santa gift - The Secret Santa name generator makes sure everyone gets paired up properly – no more “from me, to me” gifts GIFTS FOR ANY OCCASION - Christmas gifts or birthday gifts - Secret Santa gift exchanges - Holiday shopping and wedding registry - Anniversary gifts and baby shower gifts - Or just to show you care VIEW TRENDING GIFTS - See what gifts are hot this holiday season - Find out what gifts are on peoples’ wish lists - Find the perfect gift for every occasion GIFT IDEAS & GUIDES - Curated gift guides - Get suggestions to help you find the perfect gift From Secret Santa gift exchanges to wedding registries, Elfster is your gift giving companion. Download Elfster today. If you have any trouble at all with the app, we are here to help! Send us a help request from within the app or email us at
Elfster: The Secret Santa App

Rang d'utilisation de Elfster: The Secret Santa App

Le classement d'utilisation est basé sur l'algorithme de Similarweb qui calcule les installations actuelles et les utilisateurs actifs sur une période de 28 jours.

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Analysez les habitudes d'utilisation des utilisateurs de Elfster: The Secret Santa App en consultant les téléchargements de Elfster: The Secret Santa App et les utilisateurs actifs quotidiens au fil du temps.

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Classement d'utilisation et classement Google Play Store de Similarweb pour Elfster: The Secret Santa App

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Principales catégories et applications utilisées par les utilisateurs de Elfster: The Secret Santa App

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février 14, 2025