Analyse de l'application Coin Flipper pour le 15 février

Coin Flipper

Coin Flipper

  • EagleEye Games Norway
  • Google Play Store
  • Payant
  • Jeux > Occasionnel
Coin Flipper is a game about flipping coins. You will start with a simple coin to flip that will give you 1 coin if it lands on your side of choosing. The more coins you flip the more coins you get to spend on upgrades which will give you more coins to flip which will give you even more coins to spend! You will choose either heads or tails which will determine if you get coins on the side of your choosing. But it's not always 50/50. You always have a small chance to hit a lucky coin which gives you extra coins! Coin flipper is a game that will automatically flip coins for you after a little playtime. You can go on about your daily tasks while your coins are being flipped for you. After the game automatically generates coins for you it will give you so many coins that you can buy better upgrades. And with these upgrades you will start to earn millions and billions of coins! INFLATION! Start the game over and buy unique permanent upgrades with your inflation coins that you will gather naturally after you reach 1 Million coins! The more coins you get the more inflation coins you get, choose to inflate as soon as you can or wait a little longer to get as many inflation coins as possible. What you can expect from Coin Flipper 13 Main upgrades that give you more coins when a coin flip hits the side of your choosing. Special upgrade that will increase the chances of hitting the side of you choosing. Special upgrade that will flip coins for you. Chance to hit a lucky coin which gives you 5X the coins. A pile of coins that will generate coins for you over time. GAMBLE upgrade that can either double all your coins or loose all your coins. "Flip more coins" Upgrade that will give you +1 coin to flip. Stats which shows the player how many times you have flipped a coin. 93 Achievements. INFLATION! Inflating will reset the game and take you to a screen with unique permanent upgrades. Challenges that give you a permanent reward if completed. Lots of coin flipping noises.
Coin Flipper

Rang d'utilisation de Coin Flipper

Le classement d'utilisation est basé sur l'algorithme de Similarweb qui calcule les installations actuelles et les utilisateurs actifs sur une période de 28 jours.

Toutes les catégories dans
Jeux > Occasionnel dans

Utilisateurs actifs quotidiens

Analysez les habitudes d'utilisation des utilisateurs de Coin Flipper en consultant les téléchargements de Coin Flipper et les utilisateurs actifs quotidiens au fil du temps.


Analysez les habitudes d'utilisation des utilisateurs de Coin Flipper en consultant les téléchargements de Coin Flipper et les utilisateurs actifs quotidiens au fil du temps.

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Statistiques de classement dans le temps pour Coin Flipper

Classement d'utilisation et classement Google Play Store de Similarweb pour Coin Flipper

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Ranking par pays pour Coin Flipper

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Principaux concurrents & apps alternatives

Applications ayant une forte probabilité d'être utilisées par les mêmes utilisateurs, à partir du même store.

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février 15, 2025