Analyse de l'application Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA pour le 14 février

Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA

Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA

  • Parallel Space Inc
  • Google Play Store
  • Gratuit
  • Jeux > Stratégie
Start your own personal journey in the Hades Galaxy, or continue guiding the Empire you started in Hades' Star. DARK NEBULA is the next evolution of the Hades galaxy. With familiar but well-refined activities, as well as brand new activities, building a Space Empire has never been more rewarding. Create and grow your space Empire, in a persistent galaxy that constantly evolves. EXPLORE AND COLONIZE YOUR VERY OWN YELLOW STAR SYSTEM As the most stable star type, the Yellow Star offers a perfect setting to establish your permanent presence and plan your Empire's long term economy. All new players start in their own Yellow Star system and over time expand to discover and colonize more planets, set mining patterns, establish trade routes and neutralize the mysterious alien ships found throughout the Hades galaxy. As the owner of a Yellow Star system, you have complete control over what other players have access to it. By establishing diplomatic relations, you can allow any other player to send ships to your system, and dictate your own terms for mining, trade or military cooperation. COOPERATIVE PVE IN RED STARS Very early in the game, every player will build a Red Star Scanner, a station that allows them to jump ships to detected Red Stars. These stars have a small lifetime and will go supernova after 10 minutes. The goal in the Red Star is to co-operate with any other players that have ships in that star system, defeat the NPC ships, retrieve Artifacts from the Red Star planets, and jump back before the Supernova. Artifacts can be researched in the home star and will yield necessary resources for trade, mining and combat advancements. Higher level Red Stars offer more challenging enemies and better rewards. TEAM PVP IN WHITE STARS Players can organize in Corporations. Besides helping each other, Corporations can also scan for White Stars. A White Star sees 20 players from two Corporations battle in the same star system for Relics, a resource that can be retrieved to upgrade the Corporation and give each member additional benefits. Time passes by very slowly in White Stars: every match lasts for 5 days, giving Corporation members time to talk and coordinate their strategy. The Time Machine can be used to plan future moves, communicate them to other Corporation members, and see potential outcomes of future combat. EXCITING PVP IN BLUE STARS Blue Stars are short lived combat arenas that only last for a few minutes, during which the entire system is collapsing on itself. Each player can only send a single Battleship to the Blue Star. The 5 participating players combat each other, using their ship's modules and other NPC ships to destroy the other player Battleships and be the last one alive. Blue Stars offer the fastest PvP action in the game. Regular participants receive daily and monthly rewards to advance their Empire.
Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA

Rang d'utilisation de Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA

Le classement d'utilisation est basé sur l'algorithme de Similarweb qui calcule les installations actuelles et les utilisateurs actifs sur une période de 28 jours.

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février 14, 2025