Analyse de l'application 7 Days to End with You pour le 14 février

7 Days to End with You

7 Days to End with You

  • Lizardry
  • Google Play Store
  • Payant
  • Jeux > Aventure
This game is a puzzle and novel game in a whole new genre, where you have to guess the language and decipher the story! The story is a short tale of only 7 days The story will end in 7 days It is a short story that can be observed as early as within 5 minutes! Try to decipher this short story with your own hands! Like a puzzle, try to deduce one piece at a time. You are the observer of this story. You observe the story by translating the words of the person. You are free to perceive the meaning of the words. The relationship between these two people is composed of the words you feel. The story of these two people is composed of the words you feel Their world can be a short, mundane story or a long, strange story, depending on your understanding. Or both may exist at the same time, no wonder! The story is complete with your interpretation. Every story you feel and receive will be correct. Until you observe, there is nothing wrong with all stories occurring simultaneously. How to play You can register meanings to words. Touch the placed objects and recognize the language. You can also communicate with the person and try to determine what he or she is saying. Your choices may change the outcome of the story. Even if you don't understand the story at first, you have the chance to repeat it over and over again. Try to understand it a little at a time. This game is recommended for people who Puzzle lovers Likes solving puzzles Likes dot pictures Escape games Likes atmosphere games I like novels. I like stories. I like to think. I like adventure games. If you have any questions, or would like to report a bug, please contact us at This game is produced by one person. Therefore, it may take some time to reply.
7 Days to End with You

Rang d'utilisation de 7 Days to End with You

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février 14, 2025