Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma vs The Holy Quran and Means Utilisation & Stats

KURAN SÖZLÜĞÜ EKLENDİ, TEFSİR EKLENDİ, ARAYÜZ YENİLENDİ Lütfen sorunlarınızı hasenatnet@yahoo.com adresine bildirin. ÖZELLİKLER: *Kuran sözlüğü. *Tefsir. Her ayetin tefsirine ulaşma imkanı, *Yeni arayüz, *Favori ve Notları iCloud'a yedekleme imkanı, *Cihaz fontunu (dijital hat) seçerek Arapça metni görüntüleme imkanı, *Meal indirip programda kullanma (20 Türkçe, 20 İngilizce, 4 Almanca), *Elmalılı tefsir *Hatim dinleme, *Bookmark (Sayfa işaretleme) özelliği, *Konularına göre Kuran Fihristi, *Arapça Türkçe gelişmiş arama, *Özet (öngörünüm) sonuç ekranı (Gelen sonuçlar arasından aramanıza uygun olan ayetleri yandaki kutucukları işaretliyerek seçebiliyor ve sadece seçtiklerinizi görebiliyorsunuz) *Arama sonucunda aranan kelimenin kırmızı renk ile cümle içinde belirgin hale getirilme özelliği, *Sure adı (veya sure nosu) ve Ayet Nosu ile arama, *Yeni bir özellik olarak gelen sonuçlar içerisinde de arama yapabiliyorsunuz. *İstediğiniz ayeti SMS veya mail yoluyla paylaşma, *Favorileri kategorik olarak ayırma. Üst klasör, alt klasör tanımlayarak düzenleme, *Arama geçmişi, *Ve programı özelleştirmeye yarayacak "Ayarlar" menüsü. == Bu iPhone/iPad uygulaması "Hasenat.net" için Ufuk MARMARA tarafından yapılmıştır. www.UfukMarmara.com ==
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The most accurate method of reading the Quran is reading in Arabic. Because some letters in Arabic have no exact equivalent in Turkish. However, those who do not know Arabic can compulsorily read Latin letters or translation. But it will be better if they learn to read in Arabic letters. You can find links to our application named Elif Ba learn in our application. "This Quran is a blessed book that we have sent down to you so that they may reflect on its verses and that those of reason may take advice." Surah Sa'ad, 38/29. verse This application has been presented for your use to read the Holy Quran with its meaning. On the application, you can enlarge and reduce the Setup page with the zoom-in / zoom-out feature (zoom). You can also save the pages you left off and continue later. If you want, you can view the Surahs in a list, read the Sura you want, if you want, you can see the parts in a list and open and read any part. A smart system that reminds you when you forget to save is also available in our application. In addition, thanks to the newly added features, a page finder with the feature of reading verse by verse, as a verse as a translation has been added. For those who want to read without light at night, a night mode has been added. You can choose the one you want with 3 different fonts, you can choose your page color with 4 different themes. The clarity of the letters is adjusted for you. You can increase or decrease their size at any time. In addition, new lines and back areas will be added in the following days. In addition, in our application, you can find links to other applications such as Prayer Teacher, Elif Ba, Prayer Surah, Salat to Our Master, Esmaül Hüsna.
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Comparaison des classements Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma vs. The Holy Quran and Means

Comparez l'évolution du classement de Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma au cours des 28 derniers jours à celle de The Holy Quran and Means.


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Comparaison des classements Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma et The Holy Quran and Means par pays

Comparez l'évolution du classement de Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma au cours des 28 derniers jours à celle de The Holy Quran and Means.

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Hasenat Kur'an Araştırma VS.
The Holy Quran and Means

15écembre d, 2024