MOZE 3.0 vs Richart Utilisation & Stats

MOZE is a personal expense tracker which has a beautiful interface and focus on user-experience. We want all of you to build a habit of tracking your daily expense. ----- Tracking the expense is just the first step for your financial management. Everyone should have a comprehensive view of their financial situation and understand where their money comes in and goes out. ◆ Keep track of your money Tracking every expenses you have and understand your spending pattern ◆ Easily manage your budget Creating the personalised budgets according to your preference. Allowing you have a more effective financial management. ◆ Reduce the unnecessary expense Building a good spending habit by identifying the needs and wants ◆ Reach your financial goals Keeping your every accounts and balances in one place to understand your financial life ----- Have you ever used any expense tracker before? Don’t worry, no matter you are new to expense tracking or experienced. MOZE provides a comprehensive workflow and advanced features for a better expense tracking experience. - For new user - ◆ Putting your expenses into different categories ◆ Keeping an eye on all your assets and debts ◆ Creating different projects and budgets ◆ Building an expense tracking habit step-by-step - For experienced user - ◆ Looking for more advanced features ◆ Integrating with your existing records ◆ Multi-currency support ◆ Creating different kinds of reports ----- Features We are always listening to any feedbacks and suggestions from our users, trying to make improvements and developing more new features. We want to provide a much better experience for all of you. ◎ Multiple accounts support ◎ Multi-currency support ◎ Payables and receivables tracking ◎ Projects ◎ Budget planning ◎ Recurring transactions ◎ Installments ◎ Pending transactions ◎ Postpone transaction ◎ Transaction duplication ◎ Refund ◎ Split-payment ◎ Fee / Discount ◎ Template ◎ Credit card payment reminder ◎ Statements combination ◎ Statement installment ◎ Credit sharing ◎ Statement mode ◎ Auto-Deposit ◎ Rewards ◎ Rich charts and analysis ◎ CSV import and export ◎ Search ◎ Batch edit and delete ◎ Balance adjustment ◎ Customize categories ◎ Passcode protection ◎ Back up to the cloud ◎ Themes ◎ Free bank icons ◎ Widgets support ◎ Apple Watch support ◎ Customer service ----- After 6 years of evolution, we have been listening to every one of you. We have made a better expense tracking app based on all your opinions and feedback. We truly hope we can bring a second to none expense tracking experience for you. In MOZE 3.0, we offering two plans, “FREE” & “PREMIUM”. The “FREE” plan will provide basic expense tracking functionality, without any limits on the number of records and accounts. Also, you will not be seeing any ads in the app. The “PREMIUM” plan unlocks all the features including multi-currency support, receivables and payables tracking, split payment, statement mode and many other new features. Meanwhile, you are only paying $0.99/month or $9.99/year for subscription. ----- MOZE is beyond an expense tracking tool, we have added a bit of esthetic to it and hoping to bring more fun to your life. If you have any problem about using the MOZE app, please do not hesitate to leave us a message on our Facebook page as well as send us an email. Facebook: Email: Related Links Website: Pricing: FAQ: Features: Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:
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最多人使用的數位銀行! 榮獲德國紅點設計大獎…等國內外80個獎項肯定 全新便利的金融服務All in Richart↓ 立刻下載Richart,存款、刷卡、轉帳、換匯、投資、繳費、貸款,一個APP全搞定 *各優惠與活動內容依Richart官網公告為主。 Richart的三大特色: 一、線上開戶/預約開戶申請超容易,軟爛在家也可以!只要準備好手機與雙證件,花10分鐘就能完成申請。 二、交易投資不費力: 【任意轉】聚餐分帳還在掏零錢?Richart一秒神轉帳 只要輸入朋友的手機號碼或email,不必掏零錢即可輕鬆付錢,收錢不尷尬,聚餐皆大歡喜~ 【換匯快狠準】幫你賺更多,還有外幣存款享高利! Richart不只能即時看匯,還有到價通知、匯率試算等貼心功能,讓你以簡單快速的方式,換到最划算的價格!再享多國外幣活存、定存高利,喜上加喜~ 【投資10元起】銅板就能拼經濟,還有「理查投組」! 最低只要NT10元就能購買Richart的基金投資組合,還能一眼追蹤投資報酬率,讓基金投資像遊戲一般,簡單又有趣。另外還有「理查投組」,交給理查選,客製化你的投資組合,為你監控市場和提供調整建議,入門新手也能輕鬆上手~ 【聰明記帳與繳費】記帳超佛系,繳費不動腳 電話費、治裝費、聚餐費……Richart APP都幫你牢記,還自動幫你分析收支明細,輕鬆了解自己的金錢流向!更棒的是,在家就能繳電信費、卡費、水費、電費,輕鬆掌握每一筆金流動向,很難不歡喜~ 三、眾多優惠好給利: 【高回饋信用卡】點數回饋超好用! 誰說刷卡消費回饋不能全額折抵?刷Richart @GoGo信用卡(黑狗卡)、FlyGo信用卡(飛狗卡),回饋台新Point(信用卡)1點>1元,不只可100%折抵未出帳帳單,還可兌換超熱門票券,荷包喜滋滋~ 還沒完還沒完~除了存款、超優投資手續費等優惠,每月送你跨提跨轉各5次免手續費,全台還有超過3000部台新ATM,走到哪都能和Richart一起享受存錢的喜悅~ 想了解更多?請見Richart官網。 Richart 24小時客服專線 (02)8798-9088 / 0800-888-800 (限市話) ========== For Foreigner Users =========== Foreigners can now open a Richart account (If you hold a Resident Certificate(ARC))! Visit Richart's exclusive website designed for you ( (click foreigner account)) and you can open an saving account within 5 mins! The process is super easy and fast! Count on Richart for all banking needs in Taiwan! You will need to download Richart app to authenticate NTD and multiple currency transfer transactions. If you need any help, you can reach out to Richart 24 hour customer service: (02)8798-9088/ 0800-888-800 (press 3 for English service) Richart外國人帳戶上線拉! 持有效長期居留證即可開戶! 前往專屬網頁版網頁( (foreigner account按鈕)),線上5分鐘內完成開立數位帳戶,簡單又方便! 開戶完成後,可以下載APP做台外幣轉帳交易驗證,安全又快速! 若有任何問題,可以找我們唷~ Richart 24小時客服專線: (02)8798-9088/ 0800-888-800 (按3英文服務) ●總費用年百分率: Richart信貸:總費用年百分率:4.12% - 16.39% 備用金:總費用年百分率:3.99% - 13.99% 新車貸款:總費用年百分率:3.19% - 6.21% 中古車貸款:總費用年百分率:4.31% - 12.22% 原車融資貸款:總費用年百分率: 6.71% - 13.22% 正確年百分率請參考Richart官網 ●基金投資具投資風險,投資人申購前應詳閱基金公開說明書。 ●承作外幣如涉及幣別轉換可能有匯兌損失,申請人應審慎考量評估,自行決定是否承作。 ●謹慎理財 信用至上 差別循環信用利率:一般消費及預借現金為6.75%~15%,依電腦評等而定。循環利率之基準日為104年09月01日預借現金手續費:預借現金金額*3%,不足NT$100以NT$100計算 ●為提供更優質的交易服務,Richart 目前僅支援 iOS 13.0 (含)以上的版本,請盡速更新作業系統以利繼續使用Richart APP服務喔! ●提醒您:為確保您的帳務安全,請於行動裝置安裝防護軟體
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