Analyse de l'application Teachers2Parents pour le 14 février



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  • Éducation
The Teachers2Parents App brings together all the communications you receive from your child's school via Teachers2Parents and SchoolMoney into one simple, easy to use app. If your school uses our Teachers2Parents and/or SchoolMoney products, you can: • Sync with all your schools, nurseries and clubs that use Teachers2Parents and/or SchoolMoney. • Get an instant overview of outstanding payments, notifications, recent messages, and more in the home page. If your school uses the Teachers2Parents messaging platform, within the app you will be able to: • View all of your messages from the school in the message feed. • Have term dates at your fingertips within the Term Calendar section. • Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events via the Noticeboard. If your school uses the SchoolMoney system to manage their parent payments online, you will be able to: • Make payments for dinners, trips, clubs, etc. • Top up your club and dinner credit balance. • Manage parental permissions for trips and more. • Purchase shop items. • Select meal options for your children's dinners. • View transaction, booking, and meal selection history. To use the Teachers2Parents App your child's school will need to be using the Teachers2Parents and/or SchoolMoney system and have your phone number stored within one of these services; this is controlled solely by the school. Please contact the school for further information. Dinner balances, Shop items, payments, Noticeboard updates, term dates, and the contents of messages are managed by the school - issues or queries surrounding these should be directed to the school. Some functionality within the app is dependent on the school and the subscriptions they have purchased for the SchoolMoney or Teachers2Parents system.

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février 14, 2025