Analyse de l'application Tuya Smart pour le 14 février

Tuya Smart

Tuya Smart

  • Tuya Smart Inc.
  • App Store Apple
  • Gratuit
  • Utilitaires
Tuya Smart. Smart life, smart living • Remotely control home appliances from anywhere • Add and control multiple devices at once with one App • Voice control via Amazon Echo and Google Home • Interworking of multiple smart devices. Devices automatically start/stop working based on temperature, location and time. • Easily share devices among family members • Receive real-time alerts to ensure safety • Easily and quickly connect Tuya Smart App to devices TuyaSmart has integrated with HealthKit. It allows you to seamlessly connect your health records using the body fat scale to Apple Health, where BMI, weight, height, fat percentage, and more can be found in Apple Health's body measurements, giving you a clear and comprehensive picture of your health. You'll need to enable health privacy permissions for TuyaSmart. During the use process, how to ask questions and comments can be feedback to us in the "FAQ & Feedback" in the app.You can also contact us in the following ways: Official email: Terms of Use (EULA): Privacy policy:
Tuya Smart

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Tuya Smart VS.

février 14, 2025