
Rangliste der Top Bezahlt iPhone Referenz -Apps in Nigeria am 19. März

Letzte Aktualisierung: März 19, 2025

Letzte Aktualisierung: März 19, 2025

ins Excel exportieren:
Rang speichernApp und HerausgeberKategorieRang speichernVeränderung
11Quran Majeed Pro Ramadan 2025Pakistan Data Management ServicesReferenz11
22e-Sword LT: Bible Study to GoRichard MeyersReferenz21
33iMissal CatholicCantcha, Inc.Referenz31
4499 Names of Allah (Pro)Imran QureshiReferenz41
55Bible Scholar InteractiveVision for Maximum Impact, LLC.Referenz51
66Dictionary and Thesaurus ProFarlex, Inc.Referenz61
77Merriam-Webster Dictionary+Merriam-Webster, Inc.Referenz71
88Le ConjugueurBrewalan Le DruReferenz81
99myDuaa: Fortress of a Muslim | حصن المسلمIhsaanFusion, LLCReferenz91
1010Cell Tracker - Mobile trackerAbhay ValaReferenz101
1111HolyBible K.J.V. ProXu LiuReferenz111
1212Advanced English Dictionary.JDMI Kft.Referenz121
1313WolframAlpha ClassicWolfram Group LLCReferenz131
1414World Map 2023 ProAppventionsReferenz142
1515WordWeb Audio DictionaryAntony LewisReferenz15=
1616Fiqh-us-SunnahMuhammad Wasim ButtReferenz161
1717World Factbook 2023 ProAppventionsReferenz171
1818Hadith Collection ProQuarter PiReferenz181
1919iMissal Catholic BibleCantcha, Inc.Referenz191
2020St. JosemariaJorge PanayottiReferenz201
2121Matthew Henry CommentaryGeorge DimidikReferenz211
2222Chambers ThesaurusAntony LewisReferenz221
2323Chambers DictionaryAntony LewisReferenz231
2424Strong's ConcordanceGlen RamsayReferenz241
2525Mobile Number Locator !Jyoti YadavReferenz251
2626iRosary ClassicDave BrownReferenz261
2727Cheats for GTA SAKrystian RosinskiReferenz272
2928Forvo PronunciationForvo Media SLReferenz2928
3029RhymeZoneMerriam-Webster, Inc.Referenz30=
313060 Bibles Mega StudySand Apps Inc.Referenz31=
3231Al Bukhari (Sahih Bukhari)Faisal SultanReferenz32=
3332Touch Bible: KJV+ ConcordancePatrick FranklinReferenz33=
3433LexicEN EnglishTill KnorrReferenz34=
3534World Factbook & AtlasJDMI Kft.Referenz35=
3635Touch Bible Loaded: Level Up!Patrick FranklinReferenz36=
37364001 Bible DictionarySand Apps Inc.Referenz37=
3837Holy Rosary Audio Deluxe(Rosary and Divine Mercy)小芳 李Referenz38=
3938Life Application Study BibleTecarta, Inc.Referenz39=
403915,000 Bible EncyclopediaSand Apps Inc.Referenz40=
41405,200 Greek Bible DictionarySand Apps Inc.Referenz41=
4241Land Rover Warning Lights InfoEario Inc.Referenz42=
4342Ultimate Battery SaverAppYea IncReferenz43=
44437,500 Hebrew Bible DictionarySand Apps Inc.Referenz44=
4544How to Tie a Tie Advanced ProDamir NigomedyanovReferenz45=
4645Barefoot World AtlasBarefoot Books Inc.Referenz46=
4746WorldABC — The CIA World FactBook贤安 陈Referenz47=
4847Black’s Law Dictionary 10th EdThomson ReutersReferenz48=
4948Malik's MuwattaMuhammad Wasim ButtReferenz49=
5049Catholic New American Bible REgreg fairbrotherReferenz50=
5150Every Dictionary - Bible StudySand Apps Inc.Referenz51=