Sefaria App-Analysen für 14. Februar



  • Sefaria
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Bücher und Nachschlagewerke
Sefaria delivers 3,000 years of Jewish texts (Torah, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, and more) to your smartphone. All texts in the library are available in Hebrew along with a growing body of English translations. Search by keyword or browse the table of contents to explore texts, translations, and commentaries. Plus - the entire library can fit on your phone (500MB) so you can learn while you're offline. Sefaria is a non-profit organization that creates open source software and publishes digital texts with open licenses. FEATURES • Calendars for reading Parashat HaShavua, Daf Yomi, 929, Rambam Yomi and Mishnah Yomit • Offline access to all texts and connections in Sefaria's library. • Nine Torah commentaries in English: Rashi, Sforno, Or HaChaim, Rabbeinu Bahya, Rashbam, Siftei Chachmim, Chizkuni, Tur HaAroch and Rabbeinu Chananel • Over 50 commentaries on Tanakh including Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Abarbanel, Kli Yakar, Alshich, Haamek Davar, Malbim, Shadal, Radak, Ralbag and Gur Aryeh • Over 15 Mishnah commentaries including Bartenura, Ikar Tosafot Yom Tov, Rambam, Yachin, Boaz, Gra and Rosh Mishantz • Over 30 Talmud Bavli commentaries including Rashi, Tosafot, Ritva, Rashba and Rosh. • Other genres include Midrash, Halalkha, Kabbalah, Liturgy, Philosophy, Chasidut, Musar, Responsa, and more. LEARN MORE New texts are being added to the database all the time. Find out more about the project at:


Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

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Vereinigte Staaten#3,406
Bücher und Nachschlagewerke in
Vereinigte Staaten#105

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