ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon App-Analysen für 14. Februar

ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon

ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon

  • ClicFlyer
  • Google Play Store
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Unlock a world of Big Savings with discount offers, specials and deals on ClicFlyer- The Ultimate Shopping Companion for smart shoppers like you. ClicFlyer is an app that is transforming the shopping experience for people like you in KSA, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Egypt ,Jordan, South Africa & Indonesia by creating a single platform with easy access to weekly offers catering to your family needs, from all the leading retailers. Discover, compare and keep tabs on the latest offers and flyers from your favorite supermarkets, hypermarkets and retail stores- All on one app. Maximize your weekly and monthly savings-Use ClicFlyer and never miss a deal again. Features you will absolutely love: •Interactive Flyers: You can conveniently browse through flyers and even click on the offers you like to see more details and save, sort and track them. • Mark your favorite retailers: Once selected, they will appear on the top. • Shopping List: Create your shopping list or once you save an offer you like, it will appear in your shopping list. You can compare, sort and filter by items, categories and retailers. Save the top offers from different stores and make a shopping list of maximum savings. • Search Bar: Our free search allows you to search by brand, product and categories. It also provides smart suggestions. • Store Information: Click on a deal for store availability along with maps and open hours to over 10000 listed stores. • Categories: The category page has 15+ categories including grocery, Electronics, Health and Beauty, Baby and Mom, Home and Garden etc. that makes it convenient for you to browse offers. • Filters and Discount Slider: There are filters for the type of retailers you are looking for and also a discount slider on flyers which helps you set the discount range and filter the rest of the offers out. • Online Coupons: Online coupons for instant savings! • Share: Share deals, flyers and shopping lists with friends and family on numerous social media platforms. Share the joy of saving! • Get Notified: View notifications in your own inbox by clicking on the bell icon and never miss a deal again. • Trending: Stay updated with the most popular offers. With ClicFlyer, you could explore and get your hands on the latest deals from over 275 your favorite retail stores such Hyper Panda, Lulu Hypermarkets, Abdullah Al Othaim Markets, Carrefour Hyper, Nesto, Tamimi Markets, Grand Hyper, The Sultan Center, Abu Dhabi COOP, K.M Trading, Extra, Saco and more! You’re only a click away from saving money on daily essentials, groceries, mobile phones, laptops, other electronics, clothes, health and beauty, home and garden and more. During special festival seasons and days like White Friday, Ramadan, Black Friday, Christmas, New year's , Eid, National Day, Heritage Day etc. this app is especially a must. ClicFlyer makes the whole process of discovery and savings seamless for its users. Before your next Grocery Shopping run, open ClicFlyer and you will be amazed by how much time and money you save. Feel free to contact us at Weekly Savings Made Easy with ClicFlyer!
ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon

ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon-Nutzungsrang

Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

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Vereinigte Staaten--
Einkaufen in
Vereinigte Staaten#1,389

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ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon Rangliste nach Land

Länder mit ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon der höchsten Platzierung in ihren Hauptkategorien

Benutzerinteressen und Top-Kategorien

Top-Kategorien und -Apps, die von ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon Benutzern verwendet werden

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Turbo VPN Lite - VPN Proxy
Hik-Connect - for End User
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NBK Mobile Banking
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Adobe Acrobat Reader: Edit PDF
CamScanner- scanner, PDF maker
Microsoft Outlook
Google Drive
Pizza Hut KWT - Order Food Now
KFC Kuwait - Order Food Online

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ClicFlyer-Weekly Deals, Coupon VS.

Februar 14, 2025