Increase your wealth with a portfolio designed for your investment profile and start investing wisely to achieve your goals. At Sofisa brokerage, you will find the right investment for you, whether in funds with investments abroad and dollar protection, or CDBs with daily liquidity and profitability of 105% of the CDI p.a.
With our investment brokerage, you have access to products that adapt to your profile, without bureaucracy, safely and with high profitability. Investing is easy and fast: open your account and make your investment in just a few clicks!
Complete digital account, investments in CDB with daily liquidity, direct treasury, multimarket funds, dollar investments, Sofisa brokerage, payments and more, making managing your money easier!
With Sofisa Direto you have:
◉ Investments in CDB, LCA and LCI with FGC security
◉ Investments in Treasury Direct
◉ Variable Income Investments (real estate funds, purchase and sale of shares, BDRs and ETFs)
◉ Investments in Investment Funds (shares, multimarket, fixed income, foreign exchange)
◉ Zero fee investment broker
◉ Make transfers via Pix, DOC and TED for free
◉ Pay bills and bills
Invest in CDB with the security of the FGC
With the digital account you can invest in CDBs with a guarantee of up to R$250,000 from the FGC (Credit Guarantee Fund) such as, for example, the CDB Liquidez Diária which pays off every day and you can redeem whenever you want.
Invest in fixed income (LCA, LCI or CDB) and variable income (Shares, BDRs, FIIs and +)
Now you can diversify your investments and invest in both fixed income (CBD, LCA or LCI) and variable income (shares, BDRs and +), according to your investor profile in our new Brokerage.
Invest in Investment Funds
Diversify your portfolio with different degrees of risk and return through: Multimarket Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Stock Funds and Exchange Funds.
Treasury Direct
Count on Tesouro Direto in your investment strategies.
Treasury Direct is a type of investment that allows individuals to invest in public bonds, that is, you lend money to the government and receive the borrowed amount plus interest when the bond matures. Invest now and watch your money pay off!
Count on the Special Limit
A pre-approved credit limit linked to your investments. Count on an emergency line of credit with differentiated rates that uses your investments as collateral. The more you invest, the higher your limit.
Make free transfers and payments ✌
With the digital account you can make transfers via Pix, TED and DOC for free and pay bills and bills.
Financial Route ⭐
When opening your digital account in our digital bank, you can count on the technology of our investment robot to discover the best options for your money to yield more: CDB, LCI, LCA, Tesouro Direto, Investment Funds and Shares.
Invest in CDB, LCA, LCI, Tesouro Direto and Investment Funds such as Fixed Income Funds, Shares, Multimarket Funds or Exchange Funds.
Organize your money with Sofisa Direto. Achieve dreams by investing in CDBs such as pre-fixed, post-fixed, IPCA, LCI, LCA, shares and much more!
Buy and sell shares, real estate funds, BDRs and ETFs on the Stock Exchange and many other investment opportunities that fit your budget at Sofisa Direto investment broker.
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Instagram: @bancosofisadireto
TikTok: @sofisadireto
X: sophisdirect
Banco Sofisa SA CNPJ: 60,889. 128/0001-80.
Al. Santos, 1496 – Jd. Paulista, São Paulo/SP, 01418-100.