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BO mind vs Moodistory - Mood Tracker Usage & Stats
Spoznajte BO!, prvo slovensko aplikacijo za duševno zdravje, ki vam pomaga izboljšati počutje in doseči osebno rast. Ne glede na to, ali šele začenjate spoznavati pomen duševnega zdravja, raziskujete možnosti za izboljšanje počutja, ali ste že v procesu iskanja strokovne pomoči, vam BO! nudi prilagojene rešitve za vsak korak na vaši poti.
BO! ponuja širok spekter vaj za krepitev duševnega zdravja, ki vam pomagajo zmanjšati stres, izboljšati razpoloženje in vzpostavi čustveno ravnovesje. Z aplikacijo lahko vsakodnevno spremljate svoje počutje, kar vam omogoča boljše razumevanje vaših miselnih in čustvenih vzorcev – ključnih za dolgoročno dobro počutje. Psihoedukacijske vsebine vas vodijo skozi različne vidike duševnega zdravja, učijo vas, kako obvladovati stres in razvijati zdrave navade za ohranjanje notranjega ravnovesja. Poleg tega BO! omogoča enostaven dostop do usposobljenih psihoterapevtov, ki vam nudijo strokovno podporo na poti do boljšega duševnega zdravja.
Kot edinstvena slovenska aplikacija, prilagojena potrebam vsakega posameznika, vas BO! vodi skozi celoten proces izboljšanja duševnega stanja s preverjenimi metodami .
Ne čakajte na boljši jutri – ustvarite ga že danes z BO!
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Moodistory is a low-effort mood tracker and emotion tracker with a unique and beautiful design, highly respecting your privacy. Create mood tracking entries in less than 5 seconds, without writing a single word. Use the mood calendar to easily find mood patterns. Become aware of your mood highs and lows and analyze the cause of mood swings. Discover triggers for a positive mood.
Empower yourself with the knowledge to improve your emotional and mental health now!
⚡️ Intuitive, engaging & quick entry creation (in less than 5 seconds)
📚 180+ events/activities in 10 categories to describe what you've been up to
🖋️ Fully customizable events/activities
📷 Add photos, notes & your location (automatically or manually)
📏 Customizable mood scale: Use any scale from a 2-point scale up to an 11-point scale
🗓️ Mood calendar: quickly switch between yearly, monthly and daily calendar views
👾 Year in Pixels view
📊 Powerful analysis engine: Find out what triggers a positive or negative mood, identify mood swings and much more
💡 (Random) reminders that fit your daily routine
🎨 Themes: Choose from a collection of carefully composed color palettes or create your own theme and select every single color yourself
🔒 Diary with a lock: Use the lock feature to keep your mood diary safe from others
📥 Import mood data: Reuse any existing mood data from other apps, Excel or Google Sheets
🖨️ PDF-Export: Create a beautiful PDF in seconds for printing, sharing, archiving, etc.
📤 CSV-Export: Export your mood data for use in external programs & apps
🛟 Easy data backup: Keep your diary safe from data loss using (auto) backup via Google Drive OR use the manual (local) backup
🚀 No registration – jump right into the app without any cumbersome signup procedure
🕵️ Highest privacy standard: All data stays on your device
A mood tracker contains highly sensitive information. We truly believe that privacy should be given the highest priority!
That's why Moodistory saves your diary ONLY on your device locally. Only you can access it. Your mood data is neither stored on any server nor shared with any other app or website. No one but you has access to the data of your mood tracker! Only if you enable backup via Google Drive, only then is your data saved in YOUR Google Drive.
Life is about ups and downs and can sometimes leave you confused. If you want to understand your emotion and mood, awareness for yourself is key. Moodistory is here to support you in doing that! It is a mood tracker and emotion tracker for self-improvement to foster your mental health, happiness and wellbeing. It also serves as a supporting tool for coping with mood swings, bipolar disorders, anxiety and depression. Your mental wellbeing, your mental health, is Moodistory’s mission. Selfcare and empowerment are the cornerstones.
Only things that are measured can be improved! Therefore, the first step in self-improvement is raising awareness and to understand. Knowledge is power, selfcare is key! Moodistory is a mood tracker that helps you in understanding problems, fears and concerns. It supports you in increasing your problem-solving skills by discovering behavioral patterns (by e.g. analyzing your Year in Pixels chart) and triggers. Because Moodistory establishes facts about the history of your mood and emotion, you'll feel more in control!
Moodistory was created with you in mind. We think that selfcare and keeping a mood diary are supposed to be fun, rewarding and easy to do.
We are adding new features continuously. But only with your help are we able to move into the right direction. We are fully committed to improving Moodistory with your feedback!
If you have any questions or feedback about our mood tracker, contact us at https://moodistory.com/contact/
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BO mind VS.
Moodistory - Mood Tracker
November 26, 2024