Albertsons Deals & Delivery App-Analysen für 14. Februar

Albertsons Deals & Delivery

Albertsons Deals & Delivery

  • Albertsons Companies, Inc.
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Einkaufen
Shop, save and plan your meals with our
all-in-one app. Get everything you need - from fresh produce and deli orders to pet food and prescriptions - in store or for pickup or delivery. Find and save with weekly deals, coupons and offers. And, easily earn and redeem rewards as you shop. With our app, you can: SHOP EASIER Quickly add items to your list or cart based on frequent purchases, recommendations and more. View and shop from past orders at any time. Save with deals & rewards: Find hundreds of weekly coupons, deals and other offers. Plus, earn, track and redeem rewards as you shop. Get convenient delivery: Have your order conveniently delivered to your home - or to your vehicle with DriveUp & Go. Track your order status and get notifications. Check-in curbside to let us know you’re here. Shop IN Store Mode: Use the app in store to find items by aisle locations, then scan to check prices and deals. Create lists: Make the most of any order or store run by adding items to your shopping list. Plan meals: Make sure you get the ingredients you need at the budget you want when selecting from our delicious recipes. TRY OUR PHARMACY: Easily manage, transfer, and refill prescriptions for both family and pets. Access vaccines, tests, and consolidate records seamlessly. BUILD HEALTHY HABITS: Monitor your nutrition, steps, sleep, and activities. Earn rewards as you eat better, move more, and stay active. Plus, we’re always cooking up new ways to make shopping easier and more enjoyable. Download the app and sign up or sign in with your account to shop, save and plan your next meal.
Albertsons Deals & Delivery

Albertsons Deals & Delivery-Nutzungsrang

Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

Alle Kategorien in
Vereinigte Staaten#957
Einkaufen in
Vereinigte Staaten#61

Täglich aktive Benutzer

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Analysieren Sie die Nutzungsmuster von Albertsons Deals & Delivery Benutzern, indem Sie Albertsons Deals & Delivery Herunterladen und täglich aktive Benutzer im Laufe der Zeit anzeigen.

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Albertsons Deals & Delivery Ranking-Statistiken im Zeitverlauf

Similarwebs Nutzungsrang und Google Play Store Rang für Albertsons Deals & Delivery

Rang speichern


Albertsons Deals & Delivery Rangliste nach Land

Länder mit Albertsons Deals & Delivery der höchsten Platzierung in ihren Hauptkategorien

Benutzerinteressen und Top-Kategorien

Top-Kategorien und -Apps, die von Albertsons Deals & Delivery Benutzern verwendet werden

Top-Apps innerhalb der Kategorie
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Fetch: America’s Rewards App
Amazon Shopping
Walmart: Shopping & Savings
Ibotta: Save & Earn Cash Back
PayPal - Pay, Send, Save
Wells Fargo Mobile®
Idaho Central Mobile Banking
Google Wallet
Capital One Mobile
ReceiptJar - Turn your receipt
Vons Deals & Delivery
BrandBee: Earn Money & Rewards
Ring - Always Home
Jack in the Box® - Order Food
Dutch Bros

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