SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats app analytics for February 14

SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats

SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats

  • SuperStar Labs
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Music & Audio
SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats is a easy-to-use music app. You can play famous beats, create your own music and feel like a real beats maker. 🎶MUSIC MAKER DJ🎶 It works with epic pads, but there are hundreds of kits predefined, with amazing beats and loops maker. You can also import beats and create your own music like a professional music maker. Create your beats and save them with the loops recorder maker. Be a music maker in a fun way! With SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats you will be able to play all the beats that are out now. This music maker has more than 1000 DJ kits available, each one inspired by a famous song. Every week you can get new music, beats and loops in many music styles: - EDM - Trap - Dubstep - Rap - Hip Hop - Pop - K-pop - Reggaeton - Remixes of games themes, memes and much more, to please any beats maker! 🎧SUPER PADS APP🎧 FEATURES: - Hundreds of pads inspired by known music maker - New tracks, beats and loops every week - In-app music maker tutorial and YouTube videos - Create music tool (you can create and share loops with others) - Audio recorder - High quality beats - Music sound packs with 12 or 24 pads - Create beats and loops - Edit kit tool - Multitouch pads - No need to update to get new tracks & beats EASY-TO-USE MUSIC MAKER: You don't have to be a professional DJ to use SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats, anyone can become a beats maker with this app. The kits are inspired by famous tracks, with predefined beats and loops. Create and play famous music, like Faded and Alone from DJ Alan Walker, besides DJ Martin Garrix, Marshmello and others. ⏹CREATE BEATS & LOOPS🎛 EVERY MUSIC STYLE: Super Pads has beats inspired by many styles like electro, edm, dubstep, hip hop, rap, pop, rock, reggaeton and even k-pop. You can also send us music suggestions, be a music maker every week based in what you want to play! Anyone who loves music can play SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats, from the beginner to the professionals! If you want to be a master of the beats, it's your app! Who create beats? We have an awesome music maker team around here, creating everything from scratch! We don't use the original loops, we have our won music maker team. Each kit is inspired by a famous song, but the beats and loops are made by some DJ from our team.
SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats

SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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Music & Audio in
United States#850

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SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats Ranking Stats Over Time

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SUPER PADS DJ: Music & Beats Ranking by Country

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Users Interests & Top Categories

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February 14, 2025