DNS Firewall by KeepSolid App-Analysen für 14. Februar

DNS Firewall by KeepSolid

DNS Firewall by KeepSolid

  • KeepSolid Inc
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Produktivität
Say hello to a secure online experience on your Android device! KeepSolid DNS Firewall defends you 🛡️ from malware domains, phishing attacks, intrusive ads, inappropriate content, and more. It intercepts DNS resolution for known-malicious websites ⚠️ that may infect your device and steal sensitive data. Created by experts with vast experience in cyber security, DNS Firewall provides you the highest security standards and cutting-edge technologies. Reasons to use DNS Firewall: ✅ Filter traffic and block malicious websites ✅ Prevent phishing and other attacks ✅ Protect your Android device from cyber threats ✅ Keep your sensitive data safe and private ✅ Avoid undesired content like gambling, etc. Note: DNS Firewall is also available as a part of the MonoDefense security bundle. It offers all-around protection of your online activities, passwords, and other sensitive data. With MonoDefense, you get DNS Firewall paired with VPN Unlimited® and Passwarden® password manager all in one package. Top benefits of KeepSolid DNS Firewall ✔️ Unmatched online security As you know, prevention is better than cure. Filtering your traffic in real-time, DNS Firewall blocks malicious websites and suspicious domains before they cause any damage. Besides, the app protects your Android device from phishing attacks, websites that flood you with pop-up ads, and undesired content like gaming, gambling, fake news, adult content, etc. ✔️ Protection of all your devices DNS Firewall offers multiplatform support, so you can also use it on Windows, macOS, and iOS devices. One single subscription allows up to 5 simultaneous connections, which means you can secure all your devices with just one account. ✔️ Regular database updates Malicious websites and other cyber threats are on the rise. To keep pace with the constantly evolving threat landscape, DNS Firewall regularly updates its databases. Thus, you can be sure that your online activities and private data get the maximum possible protection. ✔️ Easy and intuitive setup Starting a secure online journey with DNS Firewall is as easy as 1-2-3. The app features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface and the setup requires just a few steps. Simply select the categories of websites you want to block, start the connection, and enjoy safe web surfing on your Android device. ✔️ Custom lists If you want to block a specific website or a domain, that’s not in the default list, you can use the Blocklist feature. Want to maintain access to a website? No problem at all! Just add it to the Safelist. ✔️ 24/7 customer support Our professional customer support team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us any time via support@keepsolid.com.
DNS Firewall by KeepSolid

DNS Firewall by KeepSolid-Nutzungsrang

Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

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DNS Firewall by KeepSolid VS.

Februar 14, 2025