Stop - Categories Word Game App-Analysen für 14. Februar

Stop - Categories Word Game

Stop - Categories Word Game

  • Fanatee, Inc.
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Spiele > Wörter
STOP is the classic pen-and-paper TRIVIA word game you know and love. Sometimes known as scattergories or fight list Play this word game with friends: One letter. Five categories. 60 seconds. Infinite chances to become a TRIVIA quiz legend ... or at least laugh and have fun with your FRIENDS. A great party game of words with friends - No pen or paper is required! Stop is a spelling, vocabulary, and general knowledge competitive game. Answer quickly and expose your friends' lousy vocabulary! No friends to play? Join random matches in this free multiplayer game. Top game features: - A MODERN version of the CLASSIC pen-and-paper categories quiz game! Scattergories on the go. - 94 ? No! 200+ FUN and different TRIVIA CATEGORIES (and counting)! - Start a family feud or DUEL FRIENDS and challengers in Europe, the Americas ... all over the world! The Ultimate Fight list ! - MULTIPLAYER MODES including classic pen-and-paper mode (up to 60 seconds to answer) and timer-free zen mode. - Earn free coins to UNLOCK TIPS and hints for challenging categories! - Chat & Play with your friends on YOUR SCHEDULE! Whether you have 60 minutes or 60 seconds, you have time to enjoy the game STOP ! - Let the MULTIPLAYER MATCHMAKING find you a brand-new competitor to add to your fight list! Don't let the game stop. - Spell rare words to score more points! - Support many languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Turkish! - A free game crafted by the same puzzle company who gave you the unforgettable crossword blockbuster CodyCross and the meditative word search Word Lanes! How to play: -Five categories are chosen for you and your opponents. Categories like: Movies, Animals, Music, Songs, Books, and other trivia like topics. - A random letter is given to players, and the game begins. - All players must complete each category using a word that starts with the randomized letter. - The game ends with a 60 second time limit. - Or when someone presses STOP ! button; - Player with the most correct answers (or rare words) wins! Ready to test your TRIVIA talents? Play this word game with friends. Stop a puzzle category game! Stop ! is brought to you by the same company that created the smash-hit crossword category game CodyCross, the letter puzzle game Word Lanes, anagrams like LunaCross, and Everyday Puzzles.
Stop - Categories Word Game

Stop - Categories Word Game-Nutzungsrang

Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

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Februar 14, 2025