Desmos Scientific Calculator App-Analysen für 14. Februar

Desmos Scientific Calculator

Desmos Scientific Calculator

  • Desmos Inc
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Bildung
Move beyond arithmetic with the Desmos scientific calculator! In addition to the basic operations, take advantage of a variety of built-in functions for exploring trigonometry, statistics, combinatorics, and more. Or, define and evaluate your own functions -- all for free. At Desmos, we imagine a world of universal math literacy where math is accessible and enjoyable for all students. To that end, we’ve built a simple yet powerful scientific calculator that runs on the same blazingly fast math engine as our next-generation graphing calculator, but with a more streamlined set of features, for those times when you just don’t need a graph. It’s intuitive, beautiful, and completely free. Features: Arithmetic: In addition to the basic operations, the scientific calculator also supports exponentiation, radicals, absolute value, logarithms, rounding, and percentages. Trigonometry: Evaluate the fundamental trigonometric functions and their inverses, using either radians or degrees for angle measure. Statistics: Compute the mean and standard deviation (sample or population) of a list of data. Combinatorics: Count combinations and permutations and calculate factorials. Other features: - Works offline, no internet connection required. - Create and evaluate your own functions using familiar function notation. - Assign values to variables for later use. - View multiple expressions at once. Unlike many scientific calculators, all of your previous work remains visible on the screen. - The “ans” key always holds the value of your last computation so that you never have to remember or copy a result. If you change an earlier expression, the “ans” value updates automatically. - Did we mention it’s free? Learn more at, and visit to see the free, online version of our scientific calculator.
Desmos Scientific Calculator

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Februar 14, 2025