Bandle - Guess the song App-Analysen für 14. Februar

Bandle - Guess the song

Bandle - Guess the song

  • Bandle
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Spiele > Musik
Bandle: The Ultimate Song Guessing Quiz & Music Trivia Challenge! You have to recognize a song, but there's a twist — you only start with a single instrument. Can you guess the song with the least number of instruments playing? "Bandle is the best Worldle-alike I've seen for a long while" - Tom Scott (Youtuber) "Bandle - Now we're talking! Something good bro!" - Nathan Stanz (Youtuber) Bandle has also caught the attention of Twitch personalities, including NorthernLion, theneedledrop and PooperNoodle, becoming a part of their daily gaming lineup. How to play this unique music trivia quiz: - Start with the rhythm: Listen to the drums and feel the beat. - Add the bass: Let the groove set in and take your best guess. - Add guitar, piano, and other instruments as the song builds up. - Can you guess the song without all instruments playing? Features: - Daily Challenge and hundreds of songs available! - Great variety of latest hit songs as well as songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s - Pop, Rock, Metal, R&B, Rap Hip-Hop, Hard Rock, Easy listening, Country, latin, alternative, funk, Movie theme and more! - Musical Mastery: Learn to identify songs by their individual instruments. - 9 Extra trivia quiz games to enjoy with friends and family: - Can you complete the song's lyrics? - Spot the performer from photos. - Identify the band's lead member. - Guess where the artist hails from. - Answer trivia quiz questions about the songs. - Guess the song from the same year. - Guess the name of the album. - Guess the song with the same BPM. - Identify the song with similar instruments. Whether you're a music lover or just seeking a unique way to enjoy a quiz night with friends, Bandle offers a symphonic blend of challenge and quiz entertainment. Download now and start your song guessing journey!
Bandle - Guess the song

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Februar 14, 2025