Additio App for teachers App-Analysen für 14. Februar

Additio App for teachers

Additio App for teachers

  • Didactic Labs, S.L.
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Bildung
Make your everyday life easier as a teacher with Additio App! Additio App is the app you need to manage your classes in an easy and intuitive way. From students’ assessment to lesson planning and class scheduling, Additio App unifies management, assessment and communication in an easy-to-use app. Additio App is available on several devices, including website version, tablets and smartphones. Thus, you can access your information and schedule your classes no matter the time or place. Also, you can synchronize devices (with Internet access) so you’ll never miss any valuable data and keep it all together. Main functionalities and advantages: - Powerful digital gradebook with unlimited assessments. - Lesson planner in sessions and curriculum units with custom templates. - 100% personalized rubrics with option for auto assessment and peer assessment. - Skills and evaluation criteria assessment. - Custom reports. - Follow-up for assessment, schedule, class plan and calendar. - Offline experience for mobiles. - Integration with Google Classroom, Microsoft for Education and Moodle, with the option to import students, import and export grades, assess… - Creation of automatically assessed quizzes. - Easy to use and import data. - Communication with families and students. - Compliance with European data security and privacy regulations GDPR and LOPD. - Excel and PDF data export. - Organize and link any format resources, also via Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. - Calculation of means, average, conditionals and more than 150 functionalities for everyday classes. Additio App will help you to keep it simple with your classes, to improve lesson planning and peer collaboration. Just as easy as the traditional paper and pen, and once you have started scheduling your daily routines you’ll wonder how you could do it without it. More than 500.000 teachers and more than 3.000 education centers on over 110 countries trust Additio App every day. In addition, our support team is always there ready to answer to your needs, the average qualification of this service is +4/5. Available plans: Additio Starter: a plan specially created for new users to be able to explore the Additio App’s potential for free before they subscribe. You can discover all the functionalities at your fingertips and make Additio App your best ally in the classroom. Additio for Teachers: you can use all the functionalities Additio App offers, unlimited. You can skill assess through key skills, specific skills and evaluation criteria. Also, you can use the multiple-device option and activate synchronization among the devices to keep your data with you wherever you go. Additio for Schools: for centers with accounts and accesses for families, students and a dashboard for admins. - Centralized center’s management - Creation of multiple center’s reports (report cards, attendance, incidents, skills…) - Share groups and data - Platform for communication with families and students - Payments management - Forms and authorizations management - Creation of lesson plans from the center - Report cards generator Contact our team to prepare a custom proposal according to your center’s needs. Additio App has been created by a team 100% devoted to produce new updates to easy teachers’ tasks. You can write your thoughts through the support link or on Twitter/Instagram in @additioapp, you’ll be welcome! :) Terms of use: Privacy policy:
Additio App for teachers

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