Video Meeting - Meetly App-Analysen für 15. Februar

Video Meeting - Meetly

Video Meeting - Meetly

  • Aculix Technologies LLP
  • Google Play Store
  • Kostenlos
  • Kommunikation
Meetly is a free video meeting and video conferencing app to make online meetings easier. Using Meetly, you can quickly communicate with your friends, family, or colleagues with ease. Meetly uses the free and open-source Jitsi Server in the backend which promises high-quality audio and video along with lower latency. Using Jitsi also ensures that all the communication between the users is encrypted. Meetly allows you to securely connect with up to 70 participants in a single meeting. New to Meetly? • Join a meeting with ease using the meeting code. No sign-up required. • Create a meeting for free and share the meeting link with your friends, family, or colleagues with ease right from the app. Meetly App Features: • Create or join meetings from any Android phone or tablet. • High-quality audio and video meeting experience. • No sign-up required. • Join meetings directly using the shared meeting link. • Optional and secure login using Google and email authentication. • Join meetings by pasting the meeting code inside the app. • Make your meetings private by adding a password to them. • Chat with everyone during the meeting. • Rejoin or recreate previous meetings by browsing the meeting history. • Schedule your video meetings and add them to your calendar with ease. • Light & dark mode options. Meetly is also available for iOS. You can learn more about the iOS app by visiting We would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to us at
Video Meeting - Meetly

Video Meeting - Meetly-Nutzungsrang

Das Ranking der Nutzung basiert auf dem Algorithmus von Similarweb, der aktuelle Installationen und aktive Benutzer:innen über einen Zeitraum von 28 Tagen berechnet.

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Video Meeting - Meetly Ranking-Statistiken im Zeitverlauf

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Februar 15, 2025